MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's the most controversial movie ever...

What's the most controversial movie ever?

And why would you say so? One film I seen that seems to have had endless controversy swirling about it is "the beach". Apparently there was controversy about the filming and possible environmental damage to the location. As well the movie plot stirred up hot debate as well. Personally I loved the film! It still captivates me to this day.




A Serbian Film


The "Passion of the Christ" by Mel Gibson. What an awful movie that was. I was only 15 when I watched it.


No movie has ever made me cringe like that one. I came out of the theater trying to wrap my head around all the churches having their entire congregations watch it. Brutal.


There's no such thing as "most controversial movie ever," because all of those types of films were all equally controversial in some way.
