What's your go-to remedy for a cold or flu?
***Added: I posted this over a month ago, got too sick to respond at the time, but there are some very good suggestions made in this thread so thought I'd bump it back up.
Hard to tell how helpful some of the stuff I tried was -- and honestly, I tried virtually everything mentioned in this thread -- that was immune-building but I can say what was most effective as far as quick-acting and helping reduce or eliminate symptoms were: Alka Seltzer and NyQuil.
I did eat a LOT of garlic. Since I can't handle noshing on a raw clove, I sliced thinly or mashed cloves (waiting 10 minutes before eating because that's when the helpful ingredients get activated), and made garlic bread or put in a grilled cheese sandwich. Any way I could figure to get them in my food that I thought would also taste good.***
My body's trying to ward something off. Woke up with a sore throat. It went away fairly quickly but I just feel kind of off and slightly weird.
Took some Emergen-C Immune Plus earlier. That's knocked a cold or flu out for me before if I catch it early enough, and am hoping it'll do the same this time.
I was already sick about a month ago (horrible stomach flu type thing, felt like food poisoning but with chills and body ache) and don't want to be sick again. I hardly ever get sick. Twice within a few months is unacceptable 😠
Stay warm, drink plenty of fluids (got some fresh OJ, chicken broth, chicken soup), eat stuff with lots of fresh garlic, rest. Those are the other things I do. Sure wish I had some homemade, heavily garlicked chicken soup, but don't and am not up to making it. Not sure it helps much anyway 😄
I'm open to any sekrit remedies anyone else has. Plus it's cold/flu season, and other people might benefit from ideas.
P.S. No, I have not traveled to China recently, or been around anyone who has.