Tell me a funny Joke!
I have a couple that I'd like to mention.
An old man and his wife were lying in bed. After a few minutes, he lets out an almighty fart and shouts, "Seven Points."
His wife rolls over and says "What in the world was that?"
The Old man replies "Touchdown, I'm ahead 7-0".
A few minutes later, the wife, entering into the spirit, lets one go and declared: "Touchdown, Tie Score.
But 10 minutes later, the old man farted again and announced "touchdown, I'm ahead 14-7"
Not to be outdone, the wife quickly farts again and says "Touchdown, Tie score"
Desperate to regain the lead, the old man strained really hard, but he just couldn't force out a fart. He gave it everything he had and in the end he strained so hard that he pooped in the bed.
The wife asked "Now what in the world was that"
The old man replies "Half time, switch sides."
Whats the definition of ultimate rejection? When you're masturbating and your hand falls asleep.