MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I still don't agree with gay marriage

I still don't agree with gay marriage

I'll always see marriage as the union of a man and a woman. And I have a right to that view. That's how it was for me growing up and hundreds of years beforehand. Why should I be made to feel bad about that? Called names like 'bigot' or slurs about my own sexuality?

Yes, the times do change, doesn't mean I have to agree with everything or view everything as justice or correction of inequities etc.


I'll always see marriage as the union of a man and a woman. And I have a right to that view. That's how it was for me growing up and hundreds of years beforehand. Why should I be made to feel bad about that? Called names like 'bigot' or slurs about my own sexuality?

Yes, the times do change, doesn't mean I have to agree with everything or view everything as justice or correction of inequities etc.

Yes, I agree.


I’m against all marriage. :-)


Marriage is a poorly designed social construct that has been fetishized by religion. Our society conflates love with partnership but they are not the same. Love as defined by pop culture: affection, passion, sex; (fall in love, make love, follow your heart, true love) is a medley of hormones not the basis for a lifetime committment. Partnership is a public commitment and should be treated like any legal contract, except by default the contracts should be up for renewal after 20 years. Abolish all tax incentives for marriage.


Being numb and hollow (and pompous) is also a poorly designed social construct Not everyone who values marriage is religious or has even read one page of the Bible. Because you cannot relate to ''fall in love, make love, follow your heart, true love'' doesn't mean you're the norm.


Oh you don't like my opinion so you insult me, you're quite the tulip aren't you.


The fact that you state an important subject as a fact and not an opinion may have something to do with it.
A tulip? I suppose that's better than being a pansy,


You're rude and poorly educated. The only reason people say in my opinion is to assuage the feelings of uneducated boobs who never learned in school that all discourse is opinion.


You did it again: stated something like it's a fact. You do not know how educated I am. (must be my lack of pompous, verbose grammar that would make you judge). And never "insult" or be rude to you you're too above it all. Also, you're ''schooling'' was merely memorizing facts from textbooks, not innate-intelligence. Bye.


Yes, run with tail tucked rather than rising to a challenge, lol.


I already expressed my opinions on the board, if that's what you are implying by "tail tucked". You couldn't rise to the challenge if you were sitting on it. (gee, the formally educated McQualude is using "lol") Nice try, sport.


Next time try replying with an intelligent reply rather than just insulting and running away. Bye.


Yes, the "running away" cliche, real intelligent of you.
And I see a pattern with your accusations of being insulted; that's indicative of someone who thinks they are too superior, and interprets any opposition as an "insult". Double-bye.



It sucks to not be consulted, doesn't it. It pisses me off. I would have told Bush to NOT invade Afghanistan or Iraq. I would have told Obama to NOT destroy the stable country of Libya. I would have told Trump to NOT have the Iranian general killed. On the lighter side, I would have voted against canceling Gilligan's Island and Firefly.





I also see marriage as one man and one woman BUT I really don't give a shit if two men want to marry. My strongest feelings on marriage are this, the state/country should stay completely out of it.


How do you feel about dray carriages? Sure times change, but I don’t know why they try to force their progressive automobiles on me. I say neigh!
