How many films have you seen that you would consider a masterpiece?
People use the word "masterpiece" too much. According to IMDb, I've seen well over 3000 movies but I'd only consider maybe 7 of them masterpieces
sharePeople use the word "masterpiece" too much. According to IMDb, I've seen well over 3000 movies but I'd only consider maybe 7 of them masterpieces
shareI currently own 49 films on DVD or Blu-ray and of those 49, there's only one that I would consider a masterpiece.
That film is To Kill a Mockingbird.
Two others come close, but don't quite make the grade.
They are Casablanca and Jeremiah Johnson.
For me art, any form of art is about making an impact with the audience in some way. Making a connection and being honest/genuine.
Not sure I really go for the masterpiece thing but for the sake of argument, some films that have resonated for me are far from what the general population and definitely critics would consider masterpieces. Likewise some films which are raved about, to me are crap.
It's all very personal and subjective to me. It's also about seeing a film as it's own entity and also within it's genre. Rather than trying to compare lower budget films with multi million dollar CGI fests etc.
“It's all very personal and subjective to me”
I do agree with this statement and much of what you have said. What are some that you consider a masterpiece that in general others would not?
Thunder Alley (1985) It's a low budget Golan Globus production, about a band in the USA heartland trying to make it. It is realistic as well as being a great film. I love rock music and play guitar so maybe it resonates for me more than it would for others but it is in my opinion the best film around in regards to an unsigned band going on the road.
I’ll add that to my list of things watch. I love to check out people’s off the radar favorites. 👍
shareYou can find it on Youtube if you can't get it elsewhere.
shareAnother one would be Pump Up The Volume in terms of teen angst without being completely mindless it does it well.
And Aussie film Proof
Freaks (1932)
Seven Samurai (1954)
The Godfather (1972)
Dances with Wolves (1990)
Goodfellas (1990)
Forrest Gump (1994)
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Gladiator (2000)
Apocalypto (2006)
Happy gilmore
Cape fear (90,s)
The departed
Pulp & Dogs
Die hard
There is only 1 film that I would consider a Masterpiece which is
Howard the Duck (Obviously!)
I would consider a masterpiece in relation to its own sub-genre, 12 Angry Men is a masterpiece of court room films, Lord Of The Rings Original Trilogy are masterpieces of Fantasy, Star Wars Original films are masterpieces of Sci fi, Halloween for Horror, Fargo and Usual Suspects for Crime, The Big Lebowski for Comedy, The Dark Knight for Action etc.
My point is I would consider something a masterpiece based around whether it stands out from other films of its genre and consider it not to be a masterpiece if it just comes across as something which is more of the same.
Howard the Duck
I forgot about 12 Angry Men. I would add that to my list.
shareCitizen Kane
Some Like It Hot
Once Upon a Time in America
Maybe 50-75.
Stanley Kubrick alone made about 4-5 or 'em.
Coppola knocked out 4 of them in the seventies.