It’s fucking pathetic. Bill Burr said it best - “no men speak out against it because they want to fuck them.”
In addition to that there is the population of betas who are simply afraid to speak out despite not expecting any sexual favors in return.
Very sad times. If they just wanted equality that would be acceptable but they want to take over and supplant men turning the tables and assuming power over them. The sad part is we’re letting them.
I gotta hand it to him tho. It may not have been his intention but he got us all talking and without insulting and cursing each other. Except for him, that is.
I guess it's up to us women who don't drink the kool-aid to call out the feminazi bitches on their stupidity. Quite often they are idiotic, mean liberal women who haven't gotten laid in years, blame men for all of society's shortcomings, and are surrounded by the very emasculated, cowardly soy-boys they helped to create.
There's a reason I am not your classical feminist. I hate the way they put down men and stand up for groups I loathe and despise. It's because of them we now have 3 generations of women in America who don't know how to respect men, don't know how to have a healthy relationship with them, and don't have a clue how to do domestic things like sewing or cooking.
I'm experiencing some schadenfreude watching the feminazis' get railroaded by trans women. The very freaks they stood up for in the last 40 years are now horning in on the feminazis' territory when it come's to women's rights and protections! The two factions are actually starting to eat each other! Can you believe that?
I guess it's up to us women who don't drink the kool-aid to call out the feminazi bitches on their stupidity.
That's up to both women and men. A woman that speaks up against feminism loses every special privilege she had. That's not something you can do without consequences, look what happened to Cassie Jaye.
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I think the main reason you don’t hear women complaining about feminism is because those with a brain realise they wouldn’t enjoy the rights they have today without it. Mary Shelley said "I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves” and that’s always been my view of feminism, women wanting a fair go. I have no beef with that. Militant radicals on the internet, be they feminists or misogynists, are a distraction.
Yes I can and do believe that feminists and trans women are eating each other now.
There are so many clashes within the SJW community as a whole. Look at LGBTIQ doesn't the B for Bi contradict the Q and I? What is Q? People who haven't made up their minds yet? Or is it just about inflating their numbers as they add another letter so often?
They have torn down masculinity yet still hope that men will protect them when the shit goes down.
I think Dave Chapelle described it best when he used the "family car" analogy.
"Everyone likes the L's...except the G's."
"The T's just sit in the backseat, doing their own thing, while the L's and G's mostly tolerate them."
He also made it sound like the Alphabet people only took on the T's because they were a minority of freaks who sometimes had tendencies towards being L or G. They don't actually care about the T's beyond that. They basically took on a bunch of ugly, freakish, stray puppies nobody wanted, just to make it look like they cared, when they really don't.
I used to feel sorry for Bruce Jenner. I couldn't understand why the Kardashian piranhas always treated him like something they scraped off their $1600 tennis shoes. Then he turned himself into one of the ugliest women on the planet. Maybe if he'd had his adam's apple shaved and vocal cords cauterized along with turning his penis inside out... Nah. It wouldn't have helped.
He's not gonna like it when he dies, goes to the Heavenly Courts, and discovers he's still Bruce. It's like, he's gonna say "Hey! What happened? Why am I male again?"
For me, it was just a bit of humor. I think anyone's guess is as good as another's, tho a statement like that is liable to get some backlash. Personally, B-man, I've been to the other side more than once and... I don't remember anything. Nothing.
Knowing how fallible the human "being" is, I wouldn't let that affect your personal beliefs. It's just my experience.
I don't mind some backlash, keeps the ideas flowing!
I can see what you mean though, it could be seen as an antagonistic comment. No offence to my friends of faith, I just never feel comfortable with religious consequences being mentioned in debates like this. The suggestion that in death a person answers to a higher power for the choices they made in life is conjecture at best, and an attempt to divert from a lack of fair, balanced, reasonable thought at worst.
Perhaps Homer Simpson summed up the link between religion and feminism best when he said "If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girls' sports, such as hot-oil wrestling, foxy boxing, and such-and-such." Amen Homer, Amen.
The left in general are short sighted useless idiots. The L's and G's who when you think about it are only united in their quest to destroy the heterosexuals woul have seen the T's as a way to make up numbers and in the event of emergency use as cannon fodder.
For a long time, the Left only pretended not to support gays to appeal to the overwhelming conservative worldview in America...until their pets gained enough power in Hollywood to get people's attention in the 80s and 90s. Now their pets have morphed into a many-armed monster, and they're not sure what to do now about it.
That whole pretending thing is common too. Equal rights? Equal to who, white men? White men aren't treated all that well.
But they say equal but as we see what they really want is superior rights.
I think it was Tim Allen who said that if women wanted to be treated like men in the workplace than they would come in and brag about their sex lives like everyone else.
In recent years we've even ha feminists say that women should have additional time off for PMT this after being told for decades that PMT doesn't affect women's performance or judgement.
That's right, equal to who exactly? There was a time that I made decent money but I worked like a dog for it and didn't like myself very much because of ethical sacrifices I made to get it. If that's what they want to be equal to I feel sorry for them.
I agree Chappelle is hilarious, but I COMPLETELY disagree that he suggests that homos are uniting to destroy breeders. His analogy of the alphabet people in the car is bloody hysterical and has much truth, but pointing out ridiculous idiosyncrasies of human behaviour is not the same as attacking gays or suggesting they are out to get straights.
I suspect Dave himself would call bullshit on people using his humour to support their own bigotted views. He knows that gays with a sense of humour can laugh at themselves and has said as much when talking about his gay buddies.
He might go a bit too far harping on about trans people, but hey, those girls used to have balls, so they can handle it.
It's an odd suggestion to me, very melodramatic, almost hysterical I'm afraid. I don't know how many gay or lesbian people you know, but I know plenty, and every single one of them would laugh at the suggestion they are trying to destroy heterosexuality. I mean think about it, if the straights are destroyed who's left to produce the next generation of homos?
Every homosexual person I've known just wants to get along without being disadvantaged, bullied, ridiculed, tormented, bashed or murdered because of who they shack up with. Seems fair to me. I think you have to be a special kind of stuck up son of a bitch to deny another human being basic dignities like that, or kick against them being vocal about injustices, just because an alternative lifestyle makes you uncomfortable. I say get over it and embrace your gay brothers and sisters, I can assure you with 100% certainty that your kindness will be returned. Those queer folk are a friendly, funny lot, if you give them a chance.
I've known quite a few and they are hateful and bigoted.
IVF means they get to reproduce without worrying about straight people producing sex toys for them. Not to mention they are polluting the minds of kids now anyway and making them homosexual.
I’m not entirely sure that’s how homosexuals are made but fair enough mate, your mind is clearly set on the matter, me rambling on is pointless. It is kinda off-topic anyway. Go well bro.
It wasn't that long ago there were only two genders, now there's no less than five. Last year there was some college chick in California (of course) that said she identified as a hippo! You have to wonder what she looks like! Lol
According to our good friends at wikipedia: "Intersex people are individuals born with any of several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies".[1][2] Such variations may involve genital ambiguity and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female."
Since it's a physical abnormality I often wonder myself why Intersex people are included with people who have a same-sex attraction, the same could be said for trans people I suppose. Not that it really matters, I get that there's strength in numbers so logistically at least it makes sense for minorities to fight for rights and recognition as a united front.
If anyone has access to Australian ABC iView I would thoroughly recommend watching the 'You Can't Ask That' episode on Intersex people. It really opened my eyes to something I knew nothing about.
Years ago I watched a talk show that was exploring sexes, genders, etc. Male, female, hermaphrodite male dominate, hermaphrodite female dominate, all these people were present on stage. Being very early '80s this was somewhat cutting edge. There was a possibility of what you might call bible-thumper outrage. Nonetheless there was a great deal of fascination and curiosity. There were individuals present that most had heard about but never actually seen - that they were aware of. There was another on stage that was very quiet. This person was almost forgotten among the others. The host finally asked this one about their sexuality. The answer, like the entire audience, blew me away.
Of course I knew it was possible, but in a science-fiction sort of way. On closer inspection everything you would expect of a person who had never experienced sex hormones was present.
Basically - nothing. Gender neutral.
Everyone in the "civilized" world is SO concerned about their gender and there is an extremely tiny minority who literally could not care less.
Think about that while the world loses its shit about what's between their legs.
There is a rare genetic condition that's called that, but often the people [and even animals] who are born with that will typically develop normally and often have no idea they have tiny, undeveloped other sex organs in their bodies. In the case of the nuts who believe in 50 genders, I'm guessing it's the crazy gender-fluid or "non-binary" group.
There's no point in speaking out against it or SJW nonsense in general. They just throw a tantrum and start spewing out all the diatribe they have ingested.
More importantly, it isn't a battle that is won by engaging directly. Just ignore them, watch them, at times get what they want and then watch it explode in their faces. And when it comes to women, do nothing for them at all. Ignore them. They hate that.
If men want to raise awareness to the issues that concern them, then being at the forefront is necessary. It's about getting noticed - addressing inequality in the criminal justice system, military draft, divorce court, lopsided school bullying, rape allegations and having to adhere to more rigid dress codes compared to the ladies.
Gentlemen, we need to organize parades, get equally involved in child rearing, get outside our fashion comfort zone, grow our hair out. Basically, do similar things women did a century ago to be treated more fairly, albeit with some differences. A point has got to be made.