MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Did u have a different name on imdb?

Did u have a different name on imdb?

I was djanimor.


No, I was very late to the game.

Even then, just browsing around, usually frequenting much of Tim Burton's films (surprised at how much of his filmography I enjoyed without realizing it was his work, at first).



I was olioz on imdb. Been using the same username since 2004.


I think I was zooymtoo in my last incarnation but I mostly hung out on boards of shows or films I was in to..The soapbox and politics boards were just too weird.

Some of the actor boards attracted the biggest conspiracy nuts..I wandered into the Natalie Wood and George Clooney boards a few times and couldn't believe my eyes. They were consumed with the certifiable.
But despite the trolls and nutjobs it was so comprehensive on any film that had ever been made ...any actor...and you could get info or get a reply on questions just about anywhere you went. Always heavy traffic.
There's nothing like it and I miss it.

Politics and trolls may have been one reason it got zapped but I think the main reason was the constant criticism on movies and actors. Those so inclined were merciless and didn't hold back and I don't think bad feedback was so welcome..
I think they thought it had a negative affect on their bottom line and I do think they got complaints from those more powerful in the media. Plus Amazon got a hold of it and wanted complete control.
I'm surprised they still allow reviews.


Nope, Same name.


Same name. It's a shame about the breakup because some really great users vowed never to join a new board, and from what I've seen, they've stuck to their word. We've lost some really good discourse by losing those people who are now on no community at all.


Same name, but didn't post much. I really miss the I Need To Know board. I think I only had one question not solved.


Same name. IMDb was the first social media site I ever joined, but I wasn’t on long before they shut down. My first experience there was posting on The Ten Commandments board. I’m not religious at all but I love that movie. I learned quickly that people lurking there were not there to talk about the movie, they wanted to convert me. uh, no. You guys are my second and only social media site I use.


I did, but it's irrelevant now.
