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Did you or would you attend your high school reunion?

We never had one until now it seems. Someone has taken the initiative and is trying to plan a 40th high school reunion for our class of 1981. I did attend my wife's 25th back in 2007 and had a good time. I was under no pressure at her reunion.


Nope. Most of those people mean nothing to me. I had a few good friends from high school that I am still in contact with. The rest I really don't know and I don't need to attend a function to get to know a bunch of strangers ...




I'm not against it, but it's likely never going to happen because no one can be bothered to organize it. I'm not pumped for it or anything, but I'm okay with it.


I went to mine a few years ago but not sure I want to go back to one. I hadn't seen most of my highschool peers in years and it was kind of awkward. Also a guy I went to highschool that I was closest to couldn't make it since he lives in Texas (the reunion was here in Southern Illinois). But oh well. I still got other friends I've met after graduating highschool.


The number of people I wouldn't mind seeing again are outnumbered by the people I was happy to say goodbye to. But I'm a bit autistic and didn't have many HS friends, tended to get bullied at times.


sorry to hear about the bullying.


Yes, but reunions are usually held in May which is the busiest time of year to take time off and travel to them. If I still lived nearby I would definitely go.


I went to my 10th, or maybe it was 15th. One of them. It was kind of fun seeing people you haven't seen in years.


I attended on several years ago. It was nice to see friends that I had not been in contact with for a long time.


I went to a relatively small school and as such the reunions have never been that big. I attended my 10 year but after that the school instituted a new policy. They basically have one reunion for everyone who has a 5 or 10 year anniversary. In other words 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc. al all attend the same reunion. There would be people there you could never have known. I haven't attended one since. Ironically, I did hear at the 2015 reunion, the class of 1935 had perfect attendance. There were only two survivors and both attended.
