Stay the fuck off your phones when driving unless its mounted and on speaker. Someone slammed into the back of my car today while in slow moving traffic. Now I have to take time out of my busy week to get an estimate from the mechanic and deal with the untrustworthy insurance adjusters.
Do you know how many times a day I am walking outside and have to say “Please watch where you’re walking?” Dude, you’re OUT IN THE REAL WORLD. Why are you mesmerized by the palm of your right hand? I know that you’re a engaged to your right palm, but still . . . .
I've realized I'm sometime guilty of this too. Recently I've been trying to only use my phone as and not a smart device that I instinctively reach for. Sometimes I feel like I just need a break from all electronics.
Thanks. Could be worse, though. A few weeks ago my brother woke up to find someone drove into his car and left the scene without leaving any information.
Every time I'm a passenger, I see the majority of drivers texting or some stupid shit on their phone. I see it when I'm driving, too, usually when someone is veering off the road, or not moving at the green light.. So I'll get ahead, and make a gesture, as if I was hanging up a phone. A few weeks ago, I yelled out, "Get off your phone and drive", and this woman said, "No, I don't have to", so I told her to fuck off. Piece of shit. One of us is going to die, or worse, be handicapped for life because some piece of shit wants to hit LIKE on something that doesn't matter in the first place.
These are the people who look at their shoes when you say "Hello"
Sorry to hear that a selfish jerk has inconvenienced you. People do NOT think about the consequences of their actions.
It makes me so angry all the time to see drivers on their phones. There's a red light on my street and I spend enough time waiting at it. But there are many times that the light turns green and the car in front of me doesn't MOVE because the nitwit driver is busy texting!
The other day I pulled up to a light in my town and got in the lane to make a left turn. There was a police car on my right and the cop was on his phone! They don't follow the law either.
It's annoying at work too. People come in and settle into texting on their phones instead of working. I'll be talking to one of them and their stupid ring tone goes off and they immediately ignore me and look down.
I want to yell, "Hey ME, talking!" How rude.
"I'm texting here, I'm texting here!" (2019 version of "Midnight Cowboy")
Crazy that the cops do it, too, but then again, they always break the law.... A driver could EASILY pull over for 5 minutes and do what they think they need to do, but they don't.
Cell phones have their place, like for emergencies. But they seem to have brought out the worst in people too. Everyone gets so self involved in their phones.
I walk my dog at a certain location. There's a woman I often walk with who has her dog. Her phone will ring and she'll stop talking to me and engage in a conversation on her cell phone. I just feel kinda stupid walking along while she ignores me.
Sometimes I think I should lag behind or go ahead in case it's a very personal call. But it's typical meaningless blathering.
"Yeah, I'm walking my dog. Yeah..later. I'll be home soon." yak yak, That conversation couldn't have WAITED?
Most people now have knee-jerk reactions when their cell phones ring. It's one thing if you were expecting an important call, or maybe if got kids and want to check if they call to see if there's been an emergency. Otherwise, leave it at home or let it go to VM if you're with someone.
People look at me like I've started speaking in tongues if I tell them I left my cell at home.
People look at me like I've started speaking in tongues if I tell them I left my cell at home.
I get that, too. It sort of leaves them in a stupor, doesn't it? Sure, it's nice to have one, but I just don't want to be tethered to it 24/7/365. Heck, 95% of my incoming calls are junk calls anyway.
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Heh, it does. It's beyond some people's comprehension to not have your phone with you at all times. I'm the same. I don't WANT to be able to be contacted at every moment of the day and night, thanks.
Do you get a lot of junk calls? I hardly get any anymore. Thankfully.
I got my first smart phone just about a year ago. At first I didn't get junk calls, but the longer I have this number, the more I get. Although annoying, the quantity I get is not yet egregious, but I do wish they'd stop.
I haven't had my smart phone that long either. Same thing, didn't get any at first, then they started. But in my case over the past 5 or so months I've gotten few, and in the past month, none!
What was really bad was when I had a land line. The robocalls were daily, as many as 5 a day. Then when it got anywhere near an election time, there were all those calls too. Super annoying to have a service you pay for, for your own use, used against you.
i had a similar situation. I used to be a substitute teacher. When i had a high school class, sometimes one of the students would ask to borrow my phone.When I would tell them that I didn't bring it to work, they were stunned.
I'd try to explain that I was at WORK. I wasn't there to chat on the phone. There was a time when if you wanted to talk to someone who was at work, you could call their place of business. If anyone needed me, they knew where I worked!
But then I'd see some teachers get on their phones as soon as they hit the parking lot.
It seems to be a function of creating a need when you have the object. All of a sudden, you "need" to talk and text all the time.
I compare it to microwave ovens. When you have one, you suddenly "need" one because you have a freezer full of microwaveable food. I got one as a gift over ten years ago and it's still in my closet. I have no need for it because I don't buy anything that must be microwaved. I prefer to actually cook.
"It seems to be a function of creating a need when you have the object. All of a sudden, you "need" to talk and text all the time."
Yes! At this point it's engrained into our culture.
I don't understand the obsession with texting. Sometimes it's convenient and makes sense, but most of the time a call or leaving VM makes much more sense.
I don't have a microwave here and have mistakenly bought two things that had only microwave cooking directions.
I used mine for reheating leftovers, warming up coffee or tea, and cooking a quick frozen meal. Now those same frozen meals take 30-60 minutes to cook. No getting hungry and whipping up something frozen in 5 minutes anymore.
I see drivers on their cell phones all the time. It pisses me off, especially at stop signals when the light changes to green and they are sitting there on their phones. I give them a loud blast with my horn. Isn't driving and using a cell phone illegal?
Ya, it sucks. I take pride in being a good driver with a clean record, yet this is the second time it's happened. And it was on the same freakin street! What are the odds!?
Your right. Looking into it, some insurance providers do indeed raise rates for "not at fault accidents", but if they try to pull that shit with me, I'll fight it. It's kind of hard to argue it was the drivers fault when struck from behind. These insurance companies have shady practices. Never trust them!