MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Books that should be movies (or series')...

Books that should be movies (or series').

A couple I'd love to see:

Shadowland by Peter Straub - Sureal, horror/thriller.

The Talisman/Black House by Stephen King. Talisman may be in the works. Both could be a great series.

More Clive Barker stuff like Imajica, The Great and Secret Show, The Damnation Game, etc. His stuff is SO unique!

The Witching Hour by Anne Rice. Stories within stories. A series would probably be necessary.


Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy. Mini-series £2BN budget at least.


Agree about Clive Barker.

The Damnation Game seems like the one most well suited to being made into a movie.


Yeah. Imajica would be a HUGE undertaking.


You know they are making Weaveworld into a show? Of course they are going all PC to ruin it by casting Calhoun's character as a girl instead.

I would love to see Robert Storey's Ancient Origins series of books turned into movies.

Also Mo Hayder's Jack Caffery books into a tv series.


I didn't know that. I love that one as well. I hope it doesn't get ruined!! The PC shit is just too much! :(


It's already been ruined by them changing the sex of the main character and also setting it in the USA.

They probably will change the carpet into a rainbow flag or some shit.


Hahahaha!! Why do they think people need this crap rammed down their throats?!?!?!?


This book about the James Garfield assassination:

Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President


There should be more films from the "Master and Commander" books by Patrick O'Brian. Better yet, a miniseries. And Russell Crowe must continue to play Jack Aubrey.



In the very least, I wish someone would take the reins and finish book 21.


Where the Sun Stood Still

Sir Jacob Vosza’s story must be told on film. This Guadalcanal islander was captured by the Japanese, tied to a tree, bayoneted, left for dead, got out of his binds, and the crawled to the US lines where he informed the marines of the Jap’s plans. The marines set up machine guns that night and decimated them crossing a river. This astounding man has done much more than this one act and his life would make a hell of a film.


Oh, so many.

Agreed about Clive Barker. I vote Abarat be made into a movie trilogy.

Not sure about The Talisman. I don't think any film would do it justice. But maybe a mini-series would, as these seem to fit King's style best.

Animorphs should be remade as a TV series. Just do it already someone.

I wouldn't mind The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman being made into a film. Actually I would love it.

Any Tamora Pierce series as films/a series would be good, but especially the Immortals series or the Circle of Magic series.

The Isis series by Monica Hughes would be good as a film trilogy.

Holly Black's Curse Worker's series would be good as a TV series.

Elizabeth A. Lyn's Dragon's Winter & Dragon's Treasure books deserve to be films.

That'll do for now.


I'd like to see Sue Grafton's series, A is for Alibi, B is for Burglar.
