MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Movie you have seen the most at the thea...

Movie you have seen the most at the theater when originally released.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkarban 3 times. Lets keep this to original release dates only, not replays like say Ghostbusters at a small theater that serves alcohol, because then your seeing the movie for a reason other than you love the movie. I'm assuming there will be some Star Wars guys who went multiple times in 77.


Carrie, 1976 9 X's


Wow. Great movie but 9 times ..Wow


well I was a teenager and it played in my neighborhood for ever.


The Thing 1982 - 3 times


Wow! I wish I had seen The Thing in the theater.


Star Wars at least 10 times.


i went to see spider-verse seven times in the theatre.
i loved spending time in its world. couldn't get enough of it.
this won't count by your stipulation, but i went to see the re-release of 2001 three times last year.
those are the only movies i've seen more than twice in the theatres, i believe.


Return of the Jedi for me. I might have seen it around ten times back when I was a kid.


I've never ever done that.

"not replays like say Ghostbusters at a small theater that serves alcohol, because then your seeing the movie for a reason other than you love the movie."

No way! I never buy any alcoholic beverages (too expensive anyway), I actually go to see the movie!


Batman (89) and Lethal Weapon 2 (89)
3 times each


Terminator 3
I, Robot
District 9
Wreck-It Ralph
