Biggest LOVE/HATE films?
Films that seem to have audiences split with seemingly no middle ground? Either they love it or hate it.
Crash (2004)
Cabin Fever (2002)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Films that seem to have audiences split with seemingly no middle ground? Either they love it or hate it.
Crash (2004)
Cabin Fever (2002)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Eyes Wide Shut
sharePrometheus [2012]
I both love and hate this film and cannot watch it without oscillating between those two extremes. For every cool part in it (amazing visual design, the scene where Charlize Theron burns the crew member alive, and the alien extraction scene - very memorable), there's some real stupid stuff in there (a "scientist" embarking on a mission because of faith, scientists taking their helmets off on an unknown planet only to get infected, and demystifying the "Space Jockey" alien by making him humanoid - such a lack of imagination).
The Matrix Reloaded [2003]
I hated it at first but now it is one of my favourite films of all time. I still have problems with it, being that the Wachowskis have trouble merging the action and exposition, and the way they disguise monologues as dialogue by having other characters say "what?", "why?", and "how?", to give you the illusion that it is a conversation rather than a speech. But the action is unparalleled, there is depth in the world and story, and it just gets right into it without having to spend an hour explaining what the matrix is before they can start telling a story within it (which is a problem I have with the original on repeated viewings).
I think the polarising reviews these movies have gotten demonstrate that people often love them or hate them. I have just learned to take the bad with the good and appreciate them for what they are, rather then criticise them for what they could have been.
The Shape of Water. It looked intriguing to me, despite all the hate heaped on it (and love too), so I finally saw it earlier this year. I'm in the Loved It camp.
shareFight Club
Most guys seem to love it and most women don't seem to care for it
I thought it was a little better than OK, but not a smash hit like all my buddies