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Funny insurance commercials

Anybody else tired of insurance commercials trying to be funny? Seems like Geico pretty much covered that years ago, and now everybody else is doing the same.

But is there a reason for that? I guess they do it because what they sell isn't really very sexy, and a funny commercial is more memorable than somebody standing there for 30 seconds telling you how to buy peace of mind.

Or are they just ripping Geico off?


Geico probably was the trendsetter for funny-ish insurance commercials -- at least from as far back as I can remember.

The others are most likely trying to capitalize with humor to make their mark like Geico has/still is doing, but I don't think I'd call that "ripping off Geico." For that we could say every commercial is ripping off another if they try and be funny in the same category/market/etc. as before them. If they used the very same material as Geico then I'd call it a rip-off (like a talking lizard or etc.).

And not really tired of them, but some just need to work on their material more/mix things up.


They'll all unabashedly corny and irritating, Geico started it, probably with their Caveman campaign, Progressive followed with Flo, Farmers has got to be the worst of 'em.
Allstate seems to be the only one with respectful mature ads.
I will admit Geico's Peter Pan was clever the first time I saw it


I like most of the funny GEICO commercials except the damn Camel.


They distract from the fact that actually dealing with the insurance company after an accident is anything but fun.


I thought this insurance ad from the 90s was pretty funny!:


that's awesome!


Even though there is no dialogue to translate, I wish someone would explain it to me.


sometimes you just have to let art flow over you.


What's not to understand???😐



something to do with a voodoo doll and insurance.


But I already insure my voodoo doll! Oh, maybe I can get a better deal...


Were you upset with me?


I remember this one commercial from the early 90s that WASN'T made by Geico, but it still was funny.

There's a family that's running to the basement of their home. Tornado horns are going off, kids are screaming and crying, and mom is yelling at the dad to put his camera away. The entire commercial is shown through the camera he's carrying, so you never actually see the dad, but you hear his voice. He says something like "Just a minute, honey. I wanta get a shot of this!" (Meaning the tornado). Suddenly, you hear a WHUMP! and the camera drops to the floor. Basically, he didn't listen to his wife, and instead of going to the basement, he got sucked up. Then a voiceover guy talks about disaster insurance...or something along those lines.


I never see commercials these days, but I remember the Geico caveman commercials. I always liked those.
