MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > do you guys use letterboxd?

do you guys use letterboxd?

i wonder if you guys use this site for listing!
if so, what's your experience? do you find it convinent?


Yes, I use it and like it. I find it very convenient. I would recommend it to all.


just made mine recently too but im still not that used to it haha
what are some of your favorite films if you don't telling?


Ben-Hur (1959), Gone With the Wind, Schindler's List, 2001, Psycho, The Departed, The Godfather, Apocalypse Now, Citizen Kane, Persona, 8 1/2, Nashville, Network, Rope, Rear Window, ET, The Wizard of Oz, to name a few.


i do like you taste in movies! among those my favorite is 2001 a space odyssey
thats an absolute masterpiece and the presentation of ideas and style is utterly unique and innovative for a film made at that time
are you a pro/patreon btw?
even if you become one you still cannot display more than four favorites right?


I'm not a patron, but even the patrons can only display four favourites. You can make lists though with all your favourites in it.


i use it as well, & find it very useful - useful for tracking what i've seen, & useful for finding new things to watch.

it's simple & easy to use, &, pleasantly enough, most people seem to behave quite nicely on it. the few interactions i've had with people have been pleasant & positive.

i highly recommend it.


I've never been there. I'm curious to know how it helps you find new things to watch? Simple and easy to use sounds great, and it would be nice to track what I've seen.


partly through people that i follow - i follow our fellow movie-chatter allaby, for example - & seeing what new, old or generally interesting things they've watched.

i follow a few critics who i generally like & whose taste i think sort of match my own - matt singer, sonny bunch for eg.

& there are lots of fun lists that people have made - best noirs you've never seen, best slashers from the late 70s, things like that.

& it's a good way of seeing what the general reaction of an audience is to a film. unlike imdb or rotten tomatoes, it doesn't seem to be polluted with trolls who go out of their way to ambush movies, or elevate others.

i know you'd said previously that you prefer not to subscribe to too many sites, but if you're even reasonably serious about following movies or tracking what you've watched, i think it's a good one to add to your rotation.


Your well articulated pitch piqued my interest enough to look at the site and it does look interesting.


I tried it but didn't care for it.


i felt the same initially but i guess it would take me some time to get used to it
as a database, letterboxd is quite resourceful i cannot deny it
and im still trying to figure things out now


I just didn't find it useful. I can keep track of what I've watched on my own. Or maybe I'm just not that interested in "following" movies. I get more suggestions of what to watch for from folks here on MC. Or maybe I just didn't understand the attraction of letterboxd because I'm not very excited about most social media sites. But that's just me. I'm sure lots of people like it. To each his own.


I have checked this out and I don't see the appeal. Maybe I will try again.
