MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Which film to remake for the younger gen...

Which film to remake for the younger generation?

Now looking into the past which story of the film do you think younger generation deserves to re-experience on full scale that never did in those earlier films, that means having famous cast and crew and make it popular. I give one film, I think that at this time nothing deserves to be seen by larger audience than this story, Jacques Tourneur's Stars In My Crown from 1950, making an updated version, perhaps that is not even set in the past, but in the present day. The reason, it's a film that shows how faith and surrender to God creates true miracles and do so much more than violence and division.


I will add one, Switch from Blake Edwards, about a man dying and coming back as a woman, learning about that gender's situation in today's society, a lot could be done with that story. Even though Switch is already kind of (in denial) a remake of Goodbye Charlie from 64.



I don't mind remaking films, but the problem is, often the remakes just plain suck! Particularly now in Woke Hollywood. What you get is a horrible reinterpretation of a good story, it bombs in the theaters and goes down the memory hole in less than a year. The few people who do remember such monstrosities have this attitude like "Let's never speak of it again!"


War of the Worlds. This time keeping as close to the book as possible.
