MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ketchup lovers πŸ”πŸŸ

Ketchup lovers πŸ”πŸŸ

I don't care for ketchup so I never use it on anything. I imagine the most popular uses for it are on burgers and fries. I know some folks put it on their eggs. Do you have some rather unusual foods you like to put it on?


Not sure I could count myself as a ketchup lover, per se, but I do like it on fries, hash browns, burgers and hot dogs. The usual.

I have known people who put it on scrambled eggs, which to me makes them look like they've got blood all over them 😬


Eeww. Bloody eggs.


I know, gross! I can hardly stand to watch anyone eat them that way.


One of my granddaughters puts ketchup on pancakes and waffles. I understand putting it on different forms of potatoes since the habit may have spilled over from french fries.


On pancakes and waffles?? I thought SomeCodHopper was being funny, but maybe not!


I know! I'm a bit surprised no one has chimed in with ketchup and mayo sandwiches or some such thing. Maybe we'll hear something later.


Nyctc7 said in Brooklyn people eat bagel and egg sandwiches with ketchup, but I think your granddaughters hold the record so far with weird ketchup combos.

I wonder if anyone eats baked potatoes or mashed potatoes with it.


A deli I frequented in Brooklyn, whenever I ordered a bagel egg sandwich for breakfast, the guy would say, "salt, pepper, ketchup?" So it must be popular in some locales. There's nothing out of the ordinary I put ketchup on.

Now that I'ved moved to Reno, people put ranch dressing on everything. On pizza for heaven's sake.


Oh yeah, ranch is big right now, isn't it?


I don't put ranch on the pizza slice itself, but when I get down to mostly just the crust it's good to eat dipping in ranch dressing.


There's a pizza place here in Reno that features a big braided crust and they have bottles of honey to put on the crust. (As you say when you get down to the crust.) Not bad. You don't have to order dessert!


No, just burgers, onion rings, dogs and fries


There is a former radio host here who is a hot dog fanatic. When he works the radio booth at the state fair he eats a hot dog everyday - even for breakfast. He deplores the use of ketchup on hot dogs. It's mustard all the way.


I agree, I hate ketchup on hot-dogs. I like either mustard, kraut, or chili on my dogs.

But the one condiment I absolutely despise on hot-dogs is relish. It makes me nauseous even thinking about it. Vile stuff.


I never understood relish, either. I like pickles but relish is just sickeningly sweet.


Me too.



I only use it when I eat 2 things: eggs for breakfast; french fries or onion rings (but I also like to eat FF's with beef gravy, and sometimes with mayo, too).

Sometimes if I'm eating seafood like shrimp cocktail, i'll make a dipping sauce mixing ketchup, mayo, and tabasco together.

That's really it for ketchup with me. When I buy a bottle of it (always Heinz's), that one bottle is usually in my fridge for about a year.


Oh, I do make a cocktail sauce with it for shrimp. It's ketchup and horseradish. Forgot about that ketchup usage.


French fries with beef gravy is new to me, but they're potatoes so it makes sense. Does ketchup last a year in the fridge? I try to keep some on hand for company, but if I can't remember how long it has been in the fridge I toss it and buy new when folks are coming over and food is involved.


It does last a year in the fridge, maybe even longer I think.


My mom never kept it in the fridge, but maybe that's just old-school thinking. Or maybe it didn't hang around long enough to worry about it. There were seven ketchup lovers in our household of eight.


It's kind of like Twinkies, lasts almost forever. The vinegar in it acts as a preservative.


Good to know. I'll have to remember to put a date on the bottle so I know how long it has been sitting there.


eggs are about the only thing i really put ketchup on.
sometimes fries, but even there i'll usually just soak them in vinegar & leave it at that.
i often won't put it on burgers or dogs either. usually just a touch of mustard.


Can’t eat a burger or fries without it. Never use it on anything else.

Why is it sometimes spelled as β€œcatsup”. That is an off-putting name.


I was just going to ask about the catsup vs ketchup thing!

There's supposed to be a difference between them. One's supposed to be thicker, less watery, more flavourful than the other. The only reason I know this is because of an episode of Mad Men, not because I can tell any difference. Up until I saw that, I thought for some reason there were just two names for it.


Better than dogsup. πŸ˜‰ I think of catsup as an old name for it and when I was a kid a lot of people pronounced it cats-up. Maybe it's a regional thing.


Lots of people put it on egg. I rarely eat it, but do like it on a hamburg or hotdog sometimes; I prefer mustard on both almost always. I see other people put it on meatloaf or steak on rare occasions though.
