If it’s what I’ve always heard/read then it is hating or discriminating against someone solely based on their skin color/nationality.
Making a casual observation of a sizable portion of one such group based on personal experience then would not fall under the definition of ”racism” and the gross misuse of this powerful word has diluted its significance and undermined its progress.
Based on what I see everyday around here I must disagree
There are the opportunists and manipulators who claim the victim role and will always be less than useful to anyone but themselves (the Al Sharptons of the world, The White Nationalist community, etc...
They are divisive creeps, beyond defending)
Most PEOPLE I meet are smart enough to move past all of that snake oil bullshit and figure out where the truth lies
Are you?
We need to get along and all stripes of prejudice still exist
We should work on that and never turn a blind eye
“hating or discriminating against someone solely based on their skin color/nationality.“ That statement does not define racism....it defines bigotry. You may not like blacks or others, but that is bigotry. Racism is when you believe your race is superior to others....their race is beneath your race. We all have some bigotry towards different groups, but it doesn’t mean we are racists.
I recently posted about this subject. All we hear nowadays is he’s racist, it’s racist. If we voted for Trump we are racists. If we voted against Obama we are racists. I voted against and was against everything Obama stood for so therefore some would call me a racist. Odd thing though in 2016....I fully supported a Black man and proudly wore a t-shirt with his face and name on it! The word has been so thrown about it is no wonder you have to ask the question. It has been so watered down just as the tag NAZI has been.
I always give two examples:
Hitler was a racist.
Archie Bunker was a bigot.
If you ask an academic, racism equals power plus prejudice. Nobody is going to take up the version used by some random guy on the internet. We can't stand up against it unless we all recognize that it's just a meaningless slur used by the political left.
Beg to differ....that is not racism! Again: Racism is when one race believes it is superior to another race. The other race is beneath them. Read and educate yourself.
1- a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
2 - a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3 - hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Liberal Definition:
White people being evil towards all non-whites. It isn't racism if every non-white does it.
One of the dumber comments I will read here all day. I guess liberals aren't white? Do all liberals want to breed with other races so as to wipe out their white existence? And if other white people choose to only breed to keep the whiteness going, would that be racist? Freeking stupid comment, meant only to be Superior to those that don't conform to your Racist views.
I'm glad you think it's dumb but in case you haven't noticed, the liberal's most maligned group of people is white people. You know. The group of rich, old, white liberals complaining that the country is being run by rich, old, white people. It's their battle cry.
What did I miss? I chuckled because it was an off the cuff remark. I didn’t see hostility, but with what I’ve seen lately we are under attack, Cat. Just this past week a Black congresswoman stood up in the House of Representatives, a US congresswoman, and stated “Anyone who voted for Trump is a *racist*. Anyone who supports him is a racist.” How do you think the remarks made me feel?
I had to stop my 80 year old husband from wearing his MAGA hat for fear of violence towards us. I saw a black news reporter this evening going to an anti-Trump rally to ask “Do you think Trump should be impeached? A guy answered “Hell yes!”. The black conservative reporter was very cordial when he inquired why. “What were his crimes?” The guy got testy and slammed the reporter with bigoted remarks: “Why don’t you return to Fox News and pick cotton?” Before walking away he shouted “Better yet why don’t you go back to Kenya?”The far left are hypocrites! They propose to be the all welcoming party, but when challenged they strike like the hissing snakes they are.
So, if someone said "No the conservative position is non-white people shouldn't exist," and I applauded it, that would be okay?
This kind of shite is NOT making America great, it's making America worse.
The far right are also hypocrites, and also strike like hissing snakes, but that you refuse to acknowledge. Again, it's about the behaviour, NOT about political positions.
You got me again! I honestly didn’t see what you read into the comment. Phrasing it the way you did smacked me. I think one of the main problems we have to contend with are those who are the far left and the far right or alt-right which is foreign to me. Most assuredly the far right has hypocrites which I do acknowledge. I cringe at their actions.
We are in agreement there, but the political positions *can* cause errant behavior from both sides. Did you not read what the Democrat congresswoman said about Trump voters? What she said for all the world to hear was far worse than the remark posted here.
An elderly man being knocked off his bike by an anti-Trump thug. Then we have a far right evil POS using his car as a weapon to take out a woman in Charlottesville. Evil begets evil. So, now the liberal *left* are referring to the ICE removal of illegals akin to the holocaust....”NAZI’s are at it again!” Good Grief! Enough already with the *racist*, NAZI tags thrown at those who are attempting to uphold our laws or vote differently. Using those monikers does a disservice to the victims and survivors of *The Holocaust*!
Your last sentence is not entirely true, AmeriGirl. There's plenty of intergroup tension here in the United States, even among various non-white groups.
Of course it isn't true. I was being mocking towards the double standards many people in this country have when it comes to racism. Quite often they will ignore when racism towards white people occurs, or between people within non-white races. But when a white person is the tiniest bit "racist," oooooh, watch out!
I got Modded on a different site a couple weeks ago. I said - this isn't meant to be racist but there was a time when young Black guys on a street corner would sing doo-wop harmonies and weren't carrying guns ! Boom, got a temporary ban for having made a racist comment, exacerbated by how I flipped out over it. Oh well. Live and Learn ... maybe.
Heck, I'd rather bag on the largely White NRA rather than pick on Black folks, but guns and racial demographics seem like a problem in this country. Not saying we should be afraid of Black people because they are carrying guns, but between Profiling and Poverty and B on B crime, it seems like a problem to me.
I think it has a lot to do with someone's intention and also the level of someone's ignorance when it comes to racial prejudice. For example, saying you're not attracted to, idk, Asian men isn't inherently racist - but it does carry racist connotations - so just being aware of that or confronting your own biases before you say something is not really that hard. Saying someone is old as an excuse for their racism because they're "from a different time" is a really weak argument imo.
But to be fair, people cherry pick so much when it comes to racism that it's hard for anyone to know what the true definition is.