MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is there any actors you actually think y...

Is there any actors you actually think you'd be friends with?

I've wondered if me and Ryan Gosling would get along given we're only a month apart in age.

As long as he's not too hollyWEIRD that is.

Anyone you've thought 'we could be friends?'


Worship from afar, as the saying goes.
You dont' want to be disappointed, since you never know what they are really like. I think many of them are hollyWEIRD (narcissism) before they even arrive in Hollywood, and why they come.


Joe Spinell (We'd talk condos and other bollocks)

Michael Caine
Roger Moore
Joe Pantoliano
Charlie Sheen


Too bad he's deceased. (Joe Spinell)
With sly, you'll be having a discussion about Him.


Yep he's sadly missed. RIP Joe.


"undetermined causes". He DID look 52 when he passed.


I thought it was his haemophilia, He bled out after a cut I think.


I read his imdb bio; it said that was the probable cause. But it also says distress over his mother dying... He had just gotten the green light for Maniac 2 before he passed.


He was good in Maniac. Great character actor.


Jeff Bridges
Kurt Russel
Tom Atkins
Nathan Fillion


a woman i used to work with told me my personality was a cross between crispin glover & vincent gallo's character from buffalo 66. i've never been quite so simultaneously flattered & insulted in quite that way since.

i'm not sure that means we would get along. i suspect it means we'd find each other intolerable.


Well that lady sounds like a meanie pants!


ha, she was actually really nice.
in fact, i think she was one of the few people in that office that liked me, lol.
i think she thought she was giving me a bit of a compliment.
most people don't try to flatter others by comparing them to crispin glover, but i think she meant well.
