Guilty pleasures - mine is 80s Hair Metal!
I know I shouldn’t like it, but I do.
share90 day fiancé. Also I occasionally need to hear disco after a night of heavy drinking. Oowa oowa is my disco call
shareEuro dance music.
Thanks to Super Troopers, I always think of this song when I hear someone speaking of euro dance music. (which isn’t often)
another good one
I like Better Off Alone
The Numa Numa Song is catchy. It's Romanian, just like Croft Alice...
shareIn memory of the farmer and textile worker
I imagine Croft hums this when he plows his cabbage fields and shaves his sheep😂
You missed out. Not long ago, he posted an actual picture of himself on our rival site. He looked every bit as goofy as he always seemed here.
shareI saw it👍
Eh, he aint that bad looking
He looked cool in his tomb raider hat!
No, not bad looking but sort of nerdy, like he came across, so there was an almost brutal honesty about it.
shareI found the photo he posted. Mr Ordinary would be an apt name for him. Looks like the guys who attend Buffalo Bills football games. I will give the beet farmer full credit for posting it. 👍👍
Saw that too, he's a normal and ordinary looking guy...he and I should start a club😆
Kudos to him for posting it, you just know most posters will jump all over you for posting a face shot
Croft is the craziest Romanian ever and that's saying something;)
I recently followed the entire season of Temptation Island. It was a departure for me since I've been turned off by many similar types of reality shows for quite awhile. I guess the hedonist in me found it somewhat captivating. I even got into the soap opera aspect of it.
shareI've got no pleasures I feel guilty about.
shareK-Pop would classify.
shareI do not feel guilty about that in any way.
Did I already post this one?:
"Donald Duck!"
I have a feeling this is some kind of reference???
I'm cool with both.
Yes, the intro to "Mickey Mouse Club"
Ah, the sweet memories.
Ah, the sweet memories.
I have you beat and in & white!
I watched it faithfully and subscribed to the monthly magazine. The weeks were so long until the next issue!
Ben and Jerry's Half Baked
shareOkay, I lied. Food is my guilty pleasure, especially chocolate.
shareNo need to feel guilty over chocolate.