MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Emotional pain is worse than physical pa...

Emotional pain is worse than physical pain...

Who agrees?


My life hasn't been tragic enough to answer this question.


From personal experience, I'd be inclined to agree, but then again I'm lucky not to suffer from a chronic pain condition. The rare occasions I have endured difficult physical pain were, thankfully, not sustained for days or weeks on end.

I figuratively pray that I never have to endure long-term physical pain.


Especially if someone close to you like a partner, child, parent, yes, the emotional pain is worse because it last longer, sometimes forever.


Depending on the physical pain, both can be really bad.

I can't really compare a spinal tap with a broken heart.


just because we use the same word, pain, does not mean they are the same thing.


You're right, they are entirely different feelings, neither of them good.


I've yet to experience any kind of emotional pain that was even close the the pain I endured during a severe gout attack in my knee and ankle - at the same time. 48 hours of unrelenting, agonizing hell.


I don't think anyone wants that happening to them, but I would prefer it to accidentally killing a child, as that pain would last much longer.


Awful, I have a buddy with it
I hope your'e better now Padeen


What joint does he get it in? Toe is the easiest to deal with, knee is the worst. I've been getting about 2 attacks a year. Missed the superbowl because of it!


Condolences, it seems maddening

He gets it in the ankle
The guy is built like a fireplug but you could knock him over with a feather when the gout flares up


need more context since one can cause the other


I prefer neither
