Can you just not be mopey?
This is just a general request for everybody. Bad things happen, it's hard, but what do you gain by stewing in your own unhappiness? If you're doing this, cut it out. It's bugging me.
shareThis is just a general request for everybody. Bad things happen, it's hard, but what do you gain by stewing in your own unhappiness? If you're doing this, cut it out. It's bugging me.
Pop quiz— Van Halen or Van Hagar?
shareYes, 2150!
I also like both. I tend to be defensive of Sammy because of how many people are dismissive of him. In my view, there is no doubt that Sammy is an exponentially better singer than DLR. I reject the oft-expressed notion that the Hagar era only produced “mushy” pop music. “Black and Blue” and “Poundcake” rock just as hard as anything from the DLR days.
On the other hand, I love Roth’s personality and showmanship, and I think he has a unique vocal style that was a great match for Eddie’s music and worked brilliantly with the Michael Anthony’s backing vocals.
I also think the Van Halen brothers disgraced themselves by firing Michael Anthony.
That's one thing all Van Halen fans can agree on, both pro-Roth and pro-Hagar: firing Michael Anthony was one of the band's worst decisions.
Roth also had his silly moments. Isn't there a song where he sings about an ice cream truck and assorted flavors?
I understand Roth brought a funk attitude to Rock n' Roll that made them stand out and turn mainstream.
Hagar proved in his time with Montrose that he is no slouch and just as talented as Roth.
Roth's onstage persona worked, especially in comparison to the Van Halen brothers more laid-back European style of performing. Hagar gave the band longevity in my opinion. He brought much needed discipline, though I'm sure he partied hard too just like Roth, but not as hard.
B really loves "Dreams" even though it's not their best piece, so my twin says.
I really like the opening guitar riff played before the band performs "Mean Street."
shareGood idea, Pete.
Breathe. It’s a bad day. Not a bad life. 😊
shareBut I feel a lot better knowing that I'm bugging you.