MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > WHY is this turning into the Politics bo...

WHY is this turning into the Politics board??

We already have a Politics board. Can't you take it there and leave GD to be about fun nonsense and film/TV stuff?



I know, it's just terrible. I really wish people would leave politics out of MovieChat. Can we just have one social network that doesn't constantly remind us of the current political climate??


For some reason there are a lot of liberal female users who claim to hate politics but take every opportunity to make passive aggressive comments about it. It's like you know your views are indefensible, but you just have this compulsion to have an opinion about something and let out hostility. Spoiled brats.


yeah, this place is a real chick magnet.



Why? Because most of the best posters are either fleeing, or have fled. It’s a disgusting combination of what Dazed called The Boys’ Club and β€œpolitical” sadists who lack a scintilla of wit in any meaning of that word, all of it shielded behind the anonymity of the internet, which emboldens cowards to attack.


Fleeing? More like driven off. Politics are the least of this board's problems. GD has long become a circlejerk, and has been hijacked by a couple of clowns with a misplaced sense of ownership.


The next circle jerk session is planned for 3 pm Eastern. All are welcome to join.


We may choose different words, but we don’t disagree, Mina. The situation is a shame.


Hijacked? Clowns??
I only see a large group of fun posters having laughs, talking movies and enjoying each other

I disagree with you on this one Mina
What gives?


People are joining here from elsewhere. If you get my drift. They send me PMs for some reason.


All are welcome Amigo
The more the merrierπŸ‘


Circlejerk? Oh bloody hell, is this another word I’m going to have to Google?


That's why it's called General Discussion. Anyone can post about anything.


Except it's not really anything. For example, you're not allowed to post spam...


IMDb's politics board was more active than the film board, and most likely had more to do with IMDb shutting it down. What are they hiding? We should be discussing politics even more because of this.


You only needed 17 posts to make it to Ignore. Congrats!




I agree with you, Cat. Sure, GD is for "anything" but if there's already a board for one's topic, why not take it there? Sure, I can try to ignore political threads on GD, but I wish I didn't have to. If it were within my power, I'd make GD a politics-free zone. Wishful thinking, I know, but one can dream...😌


The Alvin Dream(tm)


Am I the only one who sees "goddamn" every time they read GD?

It's much stronger if someone posts "the GD board." Yeah, screw that goddamn board!

The only time I don't "hear" it like that is when I post GD, because my intent overrides the interpretation, I suppose.



Exactly, GE. The problem is politics never fail but to make people grumpy, no one ever walks away from those discussions with their minds changed, so it's all for nothing. And there's a board here for it.

There are also boards on Food, Pets, and other stuff, but I don't care if people post about those topics here because the chances of them being turned into a flaming toxic waste dump are slim to none. It'd be great to have *one* politics-free zone here.


Yeah, politics always brings out the best in people too. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


It does! Not only that, but after all the good will has been spread around, everyone's learned something from everyone else!
