What say those posters who told me Islamophobia wasn't a real thing?
Do you idiots need anymore evidence?
shareDo you idiots need anymore evidence?
shareI'm in complete agreement with Sam Harris on this topic:
Needless to say, there are people who hate Arabs, Somalis, and other immigrants from predominantly Muslim societies for racist reasons. But if you can’t distinguish that sort of blind bigotry from a hatred and concern for dangerous, divisive, and irrational ideas—like a belief in martyrdom, or a notion of male “honor” that entails the virtual enslavement of women and girls—you are doing real harm to our public conversation. Everything I have ever said about Islam refers to the content and consequences of its doctrine. And, again, I have always emphasized that its primary victims are innocent Muslims—especially women and girls. There is no such thing as “Islamophobia.” This is a term of propaganda designed to protect Islam from the forces of secularism by conflating all criticism of it with racism and xenophobia. And it is doing its job, because people like you have been taken in by it.share
Sam Harris is a bigoted moron.
Today 48 innocent people lost their lives to terrorism simply for being Muslim.
Yeah, and some 3,000 innocent people lost their lives on 9/11 simply for being considered “infidels” by Muslims.
In Nov., 2015, 129 innocent people lost their lives for simply being “infidels”.
In July, 2016 84 innocent people lost their lives when a damn terrorist uses a truck to plow through the victims.
“The endless wars of Islam”
And...the beheadings! One name comes to mind Daniel Pearl
95% of Violent Conflicts Around The World are Muslim. We’ve been fighting this ideology since the Crusades. Forgive me if I don’t get choked up over this latest horrific slaughter, but the murderers should be given the death penalty.
All these atrocities are evil, but do bear in mind that on 9/11 some of those victims will have been Muslims. Those terrorist acts did not discriminate.
However today's terrorist attack specifically targeted Muslims inside mosques, presumably at pray. It was akin to the far-right attack at a synagogue last October.
I know one thing for certain...we don’t need that vacuous Muslim woman from Minnesota in the US Congress spewing her hatred and bigotry towards Israel. If she was a Republican she would have been gone in a heartbeat! Pelosi hasn’t reined her in or that idiotic AOC because the onus & cameras are kept off her.
shareFunny how some of the people who feel the strongest about Israel show the least qualms when it comes to attacking and demonising Jews, like George Soros.
Israel is a state, like the US, like the UK, like France, and like Germany. We are thus permitted to criticise its government and its politics the same way we'd criticise any other national state's government and politics.
If criticism of Israel shouldn't be equated with anti-Semitism, than neither shouldn't criticism of Soros. I despise Soros, but that has nothing to do with him being a Jew. In fact, it seems to me that he is the one who dislikes Jews.
shareI don't agree with your final line about Soros disliking Jews, but your initial argument is sound.
It is possible to criticise Soros without being an anti-Semite (and for what it's worth, whilst I do share a lot of Soros' political views, I don't think it's healthy for any multi-millionaire to have so much political influence, irrespective of what side of the political spectrum they sit on). Unfortunately, the truth is that so much of the dog-whistle attacks on Soros have evoked clear anti-Semitic tropes about global Jewish networks and the like.
The people flying the planes into the buildings were not "victims".
share“It was akin to the far-right attack at a synagogue last October.”
Where was gnashing of teeth and the covering of oneself with a sackcloth of ashes when this occurred? Oh, I get it now...it was yesterday’s news. After all they were just Jews...not Muslims.
“Anti-Semitic incidents surged nearly 60% in 2017” as per CNN.
From another article:
“The anti-Semitic threat was also real from far-left and Islamist groups, he said, with a warning: if things did not change, we would all pay a heavy price.”
“It was akin to the far-right attack at a synagogue last October.”What are you talking about?
Where was gnashing of teeth and the covering of oneself with a sackcloth of ashes when this occurred? Oh, I get it now...it was yesterday’s news. After all they were just Jews...not Muslims.
“By contrast, not many people seem to believe that prejudice towards Muslims is an actual thing, despite multiple evidence to the contrary.”
I’m not surprised one iota. They have brought it on themselves by the very nature of their beliefs, their laws, etc. The newly elected Muslim congresswoman from Minnesota represents the vast majority who believe as she does. Her hatred of Israel for one thing. She has a track record. This woman is a refugee from Somalia, so she should be kissing the ground she walks on in gratitude! Instead she shows sympathy for Isis terrorists. Her true colors are emmanating.
There are enclaves across Western countries where local law enforcement won’t enter. These people live by Islamic law. When Merkel of Germany permitted over a million to immigrate into the country Germany’s culture was changed forever. German women were being accosted at an alarming rates.
We as Westerners are fearful in speaking out against their beliefs and laws, such as Sharia Law, due to being accused of hate speech.
I'm sure you understand the circumstances are different for a muslim terrorist committing his crime in a Western country and a white supremacist committing his crime in a Western country. The last guy has to go out and find some specific victims to exercise his wrath. It doesn't mean the first is any less discriminate, he's still targeting a specific group.
shareBut the first is attacking a multitude of different people, some of whom will be Muslims, or at least may potentially be Muslims.
When terrorists attacked the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001, and then the London Underground on 7/7/2005, some of their victims were in fact Muslims. The attack wasn't so much an attack on Christians, or white people, or even Americans and Brits, as it was on Western secular values, which many Muslims in the West actually adhere too. And we all rightly condemn those attacks and the twisted ideology that underpins it.
They're merely collateral damage. If you want to attack a large group of people in the West, chances are you'll hit one of your own. If you hit one of your own that supports Western values, then you're lucky.
Had this guy lived in the Middle East, he would've just gone onto the street and do his thing, with the chance of killing Westerners. Instead he did the same as those muslim terrorists attacking Western tourists on the beach in Egypt and Tunesia.
There really is no difference with 9/11. Those terrorists had specific targets, the Christian, immoral infidels of the West. This message gets repeated by islamists time and time again. I simply can not agree those attacks were not discriminatory.
Not “Western secular values,“....just Western values. You seem to have an allegiance to Muslim values over Western values. Oh, you do show empathy to other victims, but there is always that “but” there. They are spreading across Europe changing cultures while having the “hands off me” doctrine. They don’t want and won’t adhere to Western culture and laws. We have no way to vet the ones from terrorist countries as there are no records.
I have no doubt with so many running and getting elected to political offices, their goal is for us to acquiesce to their laws...we are the infidels. Sort of akin to the Borg in Star Trek....”You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.”
They lose when we face their violent hostility with love and compassion
Violence should be met with proportional action that minimises the overall bloodshed. That might include violence, but certainly shouldn't automatically entail it. And it certainly shouldn't amount to vengeance.
shareSorry twinA,
“They lose when we face their violent hostility with love and compassion,”
I concur with TexasJack...especially when the radical Muslims are sawing off heads! You notice I wrote “sawing off”. They weren’t quick beheadings....the evil souless pieces of caca got their thrill by sawing them off. There was a video of one victim (American man, I think), but I didn’t watch it. You could hear him screaming!
“It makes others see that their way is wrong, unjustified, and dangerous.”
Apparently it isn’t working. The “Lone Wolf” attacks are growing....actually they aren’t “lone wolves”...as there are others involved.
You are neither naive or foolish...just hopeful. But, one cannot reason with the Islamic radicals. Why? They have no soul...they are murderous thugs. They have to be less than human to saw off a human victim’s head. There is no “best means of resistance”....only absolute fear and terror for the short while they are permitted to live.
Our kind had no soul when we gave the American Indian blankets laced with smallpox. Our kind had no soul when we sold, bought and enslaved other human beings. Our kind had no soul when we sent 6 million plus to gas chambers.
You cannot reason with those who live and relish by “Man’s inhumanity to Man”.
Amen! Well said, Jack!
islamophobia implies an irrational fear, and what happened in new zealand was not irrational fear. it was pure hatred. and after all the havok and carnage that musllims have committed across the globe, its a wonder why it took so long to see backlash. it was inevitable. anyone that still believes that all cultures can coexist peacefully are delusional.
Uhm, when was the last deadly terrorist attack targeted against brown people in Europe???
White/Western people are constantly targeted, but for some reason there's no term for that.
Boy, talk about trolling! 😳 Your rambling sounds like the manifesto of that Christchurch guy!
Borrow a history book to check "every" war that has been fought. Syria and Libya were already civil wars before the people there called for support from the West. In Yemen there's hardly any Western involvement and what war in Qatar are you referring to?
The West is too strong to attack with an army, but the constant terrorist attacks on European soil can certainly be considered a war targeting the West.
No way you are Jewish or you wouldn't make up such lies. Based on ALL of your posts, you're a despicable, racist hypocrite.🤮
And there are the typical to-go-to insults of the Soros troll bot! You're the one with the racist rethoric.🤮
share🤔 Hmm? I’m looking at your count (at this time) of 10 posts spouting the pablum you’re being fed. Then I look at Stratego’s count of posts...11547...and you are calling her a troll? Me thinks you need to look in the mirror to see the real troll. You are the one stirring the 💩!
And you are wrong in your theory “....every war has targeted nothing but brown people.”
I shall repeat for you “95% of Violent Conflicts Around The World are Muslim.”
Stratego has been a feisty trooper here all day when dealing with several antagonistic & obnoxious posters.
shareGood for her! That’s our Stratego! She tells it like it is, so more power to her. She doesn’t back down when challenged. I have a feeling she doesn’t care for those who suddenly come on board with the sole purpose of sowing discord. I believe they are referred to as trolls. 😏
shareJust out of curiosity, how do you feel about what happened in Christchurch?
shareI have empathy for the innocents. The murderers (I choose not to refer to them as killers) are scumbags and need to go before a firing squad. But, where was the gnashing of teeth when the two Muslim scumbags slaughtered co-workers who had befriended them....even gave them a baby shower.
Just for reference, do a search using three words: Muslims Slaughter Christians
The hypocrisy of those people you refer to makes me physically ill, just thinking about it.
Why is it antisemitism for Jews but Islamophobia for Muslims? What are the Chrisrian and Atheist terms? Aren't you automatically antisemitic if you're atheist? These terms are loaded and meant to incite.
Anti-Semitism is more than simply religious hatred. Most of it is ethnic bigotry.
Also, one can be an atheist without hating theists. Admittedly some people seem to have a problem with this concept.
As for anti-Christian hatred, I agree that it exists, although Christians being the majority and relatively powerful group in Western society, they are not as vulnerable as Muslims and Jews.
Say what?
“Christians being the majority and relatively powerful group in Western society, they are not as vulnerable as Muslims and Jews.” Muslims...vulnerable? Hogwash!
I don’t believe it was Christians who flew planes into the WTC, the Pentagon and the cause of a plane going down into a field in PA.
I don’t believe it was Christians who held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days. Go back and read the atrocities committed by Muslims since 1979. Very few committed by some who purport to be Christian....which make the dastardly deeds the antithesis of Christian faith.
He claims to be a lawyer so you might want to consider that if you sense/suspect facts are being distorted.
shareThanks db, but anyone can claim to be anything they want. I’m not challenging him/her on the facts as s/he deems them to be, but I do sense a bias against “Western Society”. Where is the empathy for the victims murdered and maimed by radical Muslims?
shareFrom what I've seen, he seems to be one of those angry-at-the-world types and always manages to tread the moral high road and make himself appear right in any argument.
shareI care about every victim of senseless terrorist violence, whether those acts are carried out by religious fundamentalists or by political extremists.
But at the moment I'm talking about the Christchurch maasacre because this is the hate-based act that was been committed a mere 36 hours or so ago. And this was a clear Islsmophobic act of terrorism as the victims were specifically targeted at two mosques. There is no ambiguity here. The victims were identified as targets due to their religious faith and also the immigrant, particularly Syrian, nationality of msny of those attending the two mosques.
As for the massacres you refer to, the victims weren't all Christians. In fact many of them will have been atheists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and so on. It wasn't as if they were being targeted at a church.
Well, in the sense that a "phobia" is a psychological anxiety disorder and this guy is clearly mentally ill. I know of no communist, anarchist, libertarian, eco-fascist, ethno-nationalist church that propagates and finances the murder of innocent muslims all around the world. Maybe it's somewhere in communist China...
shareReligion is the antitheis of rationality and triggers base emotions that sometimes erupt in violence. The brand doesn't matter.
shareEven if you're right, these murdered individuals were entitled to their beliefs.
Also, it wasn't a religious nut who committed this irrational atrocity. It was a secular white supremacist inspired by Anders Breivik.
Christian vs Muslim is a very old rivalry. It's religion vs religion, it always is.
shareMAGAphobia (aka Trump Derangement Syndrome) is a far greater mind-disease in America today than Islamophobia.
As far as "Islamophobia" goes, Gee, maybe people wouldn't suffer Islamophobia if Muslims didn't routinely commit outrageous terrorist acts against completely innocent people, like the San Bernardino massacre: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_San_Bernardino_attack.
Since the 14 killed & 24 wounded in that massacre were "infidel" Americans, the attack was a result of the two Muslim perpetrators suffering InfidelAmericanophobia, which corresponds to your crying "Islamophobia" with the New Zealand killings.
9/11 was also the result of InfidelAmericanophobia wherein 3000 people needlessly perished, mostly Americans.
So, to address your opening question, if Islamophobia is a real thing so is InfidelAmericanophobia.
Funny how you accuse me of Trump Derangement Syndrome after I've just criticised a poster for linking some bullshit site suggesting Lori Laughlin and her husband are Trump supporters (whilst ignoring the fact that the vast majority of their fellow college admissions scammers are libs), and after I cut Trump some slack earlier on for his reasonable Twitter response to the Christchurch massacre.
Yes, I dislike Trump and his politics, but I am extremely fair-minded. I've defended Trump supporters and cabinet members on occasion where I feel they've been unfairly attacked. For instance I criticised Ellen Page for blaming Mike Pence for Jussie Smollett's 'homophobic attack' after the latter was revealed to be a liar.
So when you accuse me of so-called TDS, you're way, way off base.
Okay, Malko, I sincerely apologize. I obviously took that one post you wrote for your being a staunch MAGAphobe (I also think I got you mixed up with a couple of extreme Leftists on these boards). Thanks for clearing it up; I edited my post accordingly.
My main point on this thread is that Western "infidels" have way more of a reason to be Islamophobic than Muslims have to be Infidelophobic. Of course this is NOT justifying the heinous murder spree in New Zealand whatsoever. I'm just saying that if we're going to talk about Islamophobia we first need to talk about Muslims' much worse Infidelophobia, which is backed up by the bloody stats, and I mean "bloody" literally. I don't think I need to cite all their attacks & death tolls in North America and Europe.
Amen! Well said, Wuchak!
3,000 people perished initially...I've read that deaths from 9/11 diseases will soon outnumber those lost on that fateful day.
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