MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's the longest you've gone...

What's the longest you've gone...

...Without sleep?

For me, about 40 hours. This was years ago, and I worked overnights so as not to put my youngest in daycare. For reasons I can't remember now, my (now ex) husband was unwilling to take care of the kids one day so I ended up staying up all day instead of sleeping for a few hours after he got home from work. I had to work again that night, and didn't get to sleep until he got home from work the following day.

Needless to say, I was a bit of a zombie that second night of work. Coming home from work the next morning was the only time I've ever worried about falling asleep behind the wheel - not while moving, but at any red traffic light I hit I really had to force myself to keep my eyes open.


Probably close to 40 for me also. It's a very surreal experience after a certain period time.


Around 36 to 40 hours, I would suppose, though I didn't keep close track. It was absolute torture. I would NEVER drive after going that long without sleep.


That was the only time ever I drove in that condition. I guess it took that incident for me to realize just how dangerous it can be. Needless to say, I told my husband that I was NOT going to skip sleeping like that ever again.


Probably 3 days, I'm not a great sleeper ever since I worked night work in my early 20's. I'm lucky to get 6 hours really.


I get it. To this day, I swear that working overnights ruined my metabolism. I was surviving on very little sleep and caffeine. I lost a quite a bit of weight and then when I moved to a day shift I gained it back and then some. It was crazy.
