MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Will we ever see the day when no-one car...

Will we ever see the day when no-one cares about race?

Or are there too many people, of all political persuasions and racial identities, who have a vested interest in maintaining that division?


Race and gender politics are big business.


I thought we were getting there... For a second I thought...


There will be no racists when there's no race. Hitler was right!


Good question, something I've considered for a long time. One might imagine races would intermix to the point where we are all similar, but that seems SOOO far off in the future as to be meaningless right now. A lot of people have so much pride in their racial background, it's difficult to see why we would make a place for them at the table when they want to set their own table. We seem to have a dynamic tension, a paradox, of allowing religious expression while proclaiming a secular society. I find it a difficult minefield to step through.


Yes this is possible, but only if humans pull their heads out of their asses and actually pay attention to things that are important, instead of worrying about winning Twitter arguments or whatever self-important crap seems relevant for the day. We have all the knowledge at our fingertips, but wtf happened to common damn sense.


True, but humans will never pull their heads out of their asses .
Theres a name for it: "Human Nature"


"Only at the precipice do we evolve."


No , unless the human psyche changes out of all recognition.
Races are just another dividing line , to put people in groups.
like national borders , or family , or the line between us and those bastards in the town a mile over there.
People like to get into gangs and pretend they have to dislike the other gang.
And thats BEFORE religion gets involved and does exactly the same thing , but amplified.

For these reasons , you will not see the end of racial issues , any more than you will see the end of war.


Yes exactly. We were just talking about the exact same thing earlier. Gangs, religions, fraternities, the military, political parties... whichever group people decide to dedicate themselves to, they are all made up of followers that need someone else to tell them what to think.
Then, like you said, you have a bunch of mindless dickheads fighting eachother for a cause someone else told them was important.
I actually can see racial issues ending in time, and eventually I think religions will become outdated, but only to be replaced by some other bullshit groups that people will feel the need to join.


I still care about race. We had a family day at work and I saw that two men have asian wives and half asian kids. It made me feel a little weird.


I dont know what to make of that.
Care in what way?



I don't wish to judge a stranger? But WHY?!?


It will take awhile. Everyone has there culture to want around. I have no interest in buying Asian style furniture or cooking things. Movies are okay but that's it.


As long as it's a matter of personal taste rather than a racially-motivated decision (i.e. "I will not buy this furniture because it is made by Asians") that shouldn't be a problem. Some people just don't like certain styles or tastes.


Not made by Asians but have a Asian look. White,Spanish,Asian,French all have there style in what things they like look like.
