MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Should America invade Venezuela?

Should America invade Venezuela?

A dictatorship that is stopping aid from arriving. I read a comment that Venezuela is the only country in the world where it's citizens are asking to be invaded.


Why don't you post this on a political board?

Also NO!


Yeah...there's a ton of those to choose from.


We have one here, but it's buried. It ought to be more prominent on this site since so many folks want to talk about it.


No, we don't need another fucking war and we also don't need to antagonize Russia. I'm not saying we should be an isolationist country, but enough of being the worlds police.


Why shouldn't we be isolationist? What's wrong with not having wars?


No one wants war and isolationism is fine to a certain extant, but its impractical to think we would never enter another conflict if we followed that policy.


How are wars started if no one wants them? Someone must have wanted the war against Syria or Obama would not have started it. And liberal journalists would not have condemned Trump for ending it. Even Noam Chompsky condemned Trump for ending it.

"Isolationist" is a slur that Progressives have been using against peaceniks since the so called "Great War". It went away for a while but modern progressives brought it back, around 2008 when they used it to smear Ron Paul.

It's the same tactic Social Justice Warriors use when they denounce anti-war people as anti-Semitic. Are you in favor of Semitism? If you are, tell me how you survived the Iraq war without dying. You must have been fighting hard, right?


Holy crap. I seem to have struck a nerve here. Have a nice day.


"And liberal journalists would not have condemned Trump for ending it."

Ignoramus. Trump ended nothing.


SJWs and neoliberals are not progressives. I have no idea what you meant by Semitism in Iraq, I think it's safe to say that flew over everyone's head.


They kick faces !


Why are we giving them aid?


Probably ending up the hands of those dictators I would've thought.


I remember the people in Syria demanding from the West to do something about their civil war. We did something and then they blamed us for everything and wanted us out. Haven't we learned our lesson? It's one thing to support new elections, it's quite another thing to invade another country.




Not before China invades them first.


Israel is our greatest ally, not China.

I would like to see a lot of Israelis dying for Venezuelan freedom wouldn't you?



Quite Correct.
Perhaps you should do one of your CIA ,black ops , fund-the-revolution type things then?
for the good of the Venezuelan peoples obvs.


"inevitable calls to impeach Trump as a war criminal."

so there would be an upside then :)


Only if you're pro-war. Those are the only people who want Trump impeached.


