Cher: Damn!
Last Night I watched The Kennedy Center Awards program on CBS, a show I would not ordinarily be caught dead viewing, but I am stuck in the hospital and my entertainment options are meager. One amazing fact I learned is about one of this year’s honorees, Cher. She is the only recording artist thus far in history to have had at least one Number One song is each of six consecutive decades. The last time I looked, the stat was for four consecutive decades; so this star has kept on steaming along for another 20 freaking years, just for good measure. Beatles, Sinatra, Garland, Streisand, Gaye, Zeppelin, Berry, Day, Bowie—none of them could do it. Little started-out-laughingstock Cher, well, she could, and she did. The only certain test is the test of time. She’s passed with flags flying and guns blazing. She inspires me.