milennials, snowflakes , the PC generation(s)
That title got your blood pressure up didnt it!
Well im here to defend 'em!
I just posted the below on Trading Places board (in reply to "can millenilas handle this film?" , but then it occurred to me no one would ever see it so i'll put it here too:
at least 50% of what i read on this board is
"i hate this modern pc rubbish"
"why it gone all softly softly"
"millenials are snowflakes , "
"another reboot with women / blacks /midgets in it"
"Leftys!" (i h8 that one)
So it seems the most bitching whining and complaining is done by those that are claiming to be old school / stoic / broad minded / i can take it / Dennis Leary / George Carlin types.
I have yet to see a snowflake complaining there was too much swearing in a film , or not enough diversity.
Am i wrong?