Do you support circumcision?
And please say whether you consider yourself conservative or liberal, and feminist or not.
Thank you.
And please say whether you consider yourself conservative or liberal, and feminist or not.
Thank you.
Like... financially? Nah gotta pay for that shit on your own brother👍 someone should have taken care of that for you when you were born...but gotta do what ya gotta I right👍 smegma is no joke!
Actually...I'm sure it isthe punchline to many jokes😂 but you don't want to be a dick cheese punchline...and I respect the hell out of that!!! So pull yourself up by the boot straps... save your pennies...and get yourself cut and hang some brain👍
I support mandatory neutering. Sex is wrong and males are cancelled. 🚫
And please say whether you consider yourself conservative or liberal, and feminist or not.
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I asked you on another thread on what political party has to do with all things, and I saw this also. Don't you want to explain, because I'm not feeling it.
Circumcision is a decision based on an innate-belief or physical-entity, not liberal/ feminism/ etc.. Nor, is it really about religion, when it comes down to it..
It's about "the issue of clean/ not clean/ odor, not odor/ looks, not looks. Only a man could detail what I mean, unless you are one.
But circumcision is all about religion (and/or ancient/biblical times politics.)
shareOr tradition. If Dad was then junior may be, too.
shareWell, tradition and religion are closely intermingled (inseparatable even) back then in biblical times.
share Ghaleon understands me about how it's not relevant to politics. (unlike Thrillhouse who has a pattern of it)
Yes, I know religion has always been associated, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, this is about a body part and cause/effect. And the "barbaric" comments are exaggerated.
I dont' know how many men are replying here, but even though society may be conditioned to circumcision, that does not, therefore, mean it's wrong. In other words, not all things that are 'natural'; are necessarily better. This is why some men get the cut voluntarily: they smell their own odor, and it's not an exact-science. (cavemen lived "naturally", but we dont' wish live like them on any level)
One droplet of urine is secreted --which happens also naturally, even when you're not actually peeing--and that's all it takes for the odor to grow. It's NOT a matter of "practice good hygiene" in totality. Even one man i knew said he had to keep rinsing with alcohol to stay fresh, and he was a very clean man .
The aspect of how it looks is another topic.
Circumcission is irrelevant to modern American politics yes, and I think both Thrillhouse and Ghaleon speak in exaggerations.
The original post is probably satire, but I'm not sure.
If some people want to asociate circumcission with health well it's up to them. It's like juice and yoga benefits to health, etc. Not very important matters in this world.
I didnt' read about health. You mean, hygiene/ odor?
sharethere is no clean / hygiene / odor issue !
yes it will look different. slightly.
but it is 99% a religious issue, and as such absurd nonsensical bodily mutilation inflicted againd the victims will in most cases.
No, it's not a 99% a religious issue. How do you know first-hand of what you speak? Are you an uncircumcised men who has oral-sex with yourself? You know that people look at others differently than how we see ourselves. Can you smell your private-area like others?
Look, you can do as you desire, but it's not just a religion thing--or every other religion would have a prominence of whether it's done or not
yes. no. yes .no
I gather from that you've been up close and personal with both types.
bear in mind though anyone can be smelly , it down to your regime.
Going off Thrillhouses stats in the next post though , i concede i must been incorrect re it being a Jewish thing.
Here is comes again: down to your regime, down to your regime.
Did you read my comments where I say:
"One droplet of urine is secreted --which happens also naturally, even when you're not actually peeing--and that's all it takes for the odor to grow. It's NOT a matter of "practice good hygiene" in totality. One man i knew said he had to keep rinsing with alcohol to stay fresh, and he was a very clean man ".
But, actually, circumcised men with good regime are not smelly, due to the above. Jews do have a religious basis for it, supposedly ( I took that for granted when I started posted). But we have Baptists, Catholic, Protestant..and the others. But it doesn't look (and feel) different. slightly; more than slightly.
Why do ask if I have been with both types (you mean male/female?, or gay/straight)? Btw, do you think most partners are going to be rude enough to tell the man they dislike his uncircumcised -status?
no by both types i meant circumcised and uncircumcised.
You're asking if I am gay/bi and have had high-jink with both types of penises. It's ok to simply ask it. But, whether I have or haven't, it doesn't change the dynamics of what we have been discussing. I could ask you the same thing, but I dont' know if you're gay and even prefer uncircumcised.
I'm not literally campaigning for circumcision and every parent is free to choose what they want. I'm only offering my opinion based on our 5 senses and experience with having a penis-- not from some idealistic or PC notion (which is so common today)
well i was trying to figure if you were male or female , hard to tell from the username . i thought u might be a lady who seen both and compared . Now im thinking we both male, you clipped , me not , for the record.
What im a little uncomfortable with is that its the 'parents decision' rather than the owner of the penis
What im a little uncomfortable with is that its the 'parents decision' rather than the owner of the penis
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I know, it's all I hear from folks.
That probably is the mindset since when the man reaches adulthood, he's too used to his penis and cannot be objective.
For sake of argument this once, let's say that circumcision is the right thing. To be consistent with it being right, by the time the man is an adult, he won't care or understand because he's then too conditioned and not likely to get circumcised. (of course, the con-circumcision advocates will say the opposite)
There are various examples of this philosophy , and for many types of things. An analogy would be "no, we won't teach our 4 yr old about anything , we'll wait until he's fully-grown".
Jews are 2% of America. The circumcision rate was over 90% through to the 1980's. It's not a religious issue short of Jewish cultural domination.
shareYes, I meant that, sorry.
shareCircumcision is irrelevant to modern American politics the way alternative media was irrelevant to American politics until Hillary Clinton uttered the words "Alex Jones Infowars". Now deplatforming is front and center in our culture. The question becomes, who wishes for circumcision to be irrelevant? Who likes the status quo without being able to defend it?
Ghaleon gave a direct answer to a direct question. It was blunt and mild without an inkling of exaggeration. You on the other hand have taken up several posts in this thread to reveal nothing more than that you are suspicious the question is a trick. It is, and you fell for it.
It's existential. I of course have my own reasons for asking. But people also answer however they want and there is no way to tell. I can laugh all I want at people who take the bait to a troll question while they have a perfectly legitimate debate about a real issue obvlivious to my intent.
What? Saying circumcission is a barbaric practice is not an exaggeration?
shareNo. Is it exaggeration to call slavery barbaric? Look what is said about female circumcision. We have a warped perception of centrism and moderation. You can be called racist for wearing New Balance shoes.
shareNo, cutting off the penis/testicles would be barbaric. Nazi-torture would be barbaric.Circumcised men are not being used as slaves.
.If circumcision was the only "barbaric" thing to every happen to me, I'd be in real great spirits. Why, has it been your only problem in life?
Circumcision is irrelevant to modern American politics the way alternative media was irrelevant to American politics until Hillary Clinton uttered the words "Alex Jones Infowars". Now deplatforming is front and center in our culture. The question becomes, who wishes for circumcision to be irrelevant? Who likes the status quo without being able to defend it?
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What are you talking about? This is about the physical/physiological act a circumcision, not political rhetoric on the vote. Am I wrong? It's OK to NOT bring politics into all things--we won't think you're any less intelligent if you don't. Geez. If I asked what color apples you preferred, would it be more abstract analysis? (you male or female, btw?)
Actually, it's partially about religion, and partially about health concerns.
Sure. Like I said, many things are related to health concerns... juice, yoga, meditation, haircut/shaving, flossing, ASMR, vegan, etc.
shareIn the words of Pat Condell: "Religion is the worst reason to do anything," let alone cutting the foreskin off a baby who is unable to consent to it.
shareI did not see your question on another thread.
For circumcision, I believe that it is liberal ideologically. It first spread beyond Jews in the Progressive Era as a way to inhibit masturbation. Progressives value artificial interventions believing that humanity can be uplifted, for example education can make us smarter. It is also technocratic. Trust the experts, and the worldwide scientific concensus is that circumcision is good. The World Health Organization is especially fond of it. It is a public good or public health matter in that it is believed circumcising males will help contain the spread of cervical cancer in women. Conservatives are suspicious of authority and often criticized for being anti-science. They like tradition, and many conservatives like circumcision, but that doesn't make it ideological for them the way it is for liberals. I consider that more of being a victim to modern trends in culture which is dominated by liberals. Feminists like it because feminists are motivated by hostility not equality and they know it's bad because they are against it for themselves. These group features influence the types of arguments that will be used by each group whether for or against, and from that I can glean information.
But the real information I am confirming for myself from this thread is that liberals do not like to identify themselves as such and do not like to share opinions. It is a general disposition for them not to feel comfortable debating. It's okay to have inner conflict. Considering that if you are circumcised yourself, it would be extremely difficult upon examining the issue to discover and admit that a great harm had been done to you without rationalizing it. I knew somebody would ask this question, especially on this question, because the same thing happens on the most innocuous political questions such as "Do you think boys and girls should be educated together or separately?". People will react emotionally and adversely to segregation because of NPC social engineering, but they will often not tell you or even be aware of these reasons and dress up their response in rhetoric about socialization and diversity as if it is a rational response considerate of statistics and details. Nobody cuts off part of their body because they believe they will contract AIDS in the future and not want to transmit AIDS to their future wife when they have sex without a condom. That is not how our brains work.
With all due respect. I found about two concrete-statements in your reply, and the rest to be rhetoric. I don't care about which personality/ political-candidate feels talkative to whom, liberated-feminists, abstract-factors ...but the tangible-act, itself.
When you say cutting off body parts ( that have now been ruined) that's up to interpretation. AIDS is not a parallel comparison to circumcision; the cause/affect are different. As mentioned, you can blame "society-conditioning", but conditioning happens for a reason, not just a result of being told or ordered to do so based on prehistoric-thinking.
If potential sex-partners feign a headache and "have to go home" after the un-circumsized man takes off the panties, well, he's missing out on plenty of action (sex). Naturally, there is a segment of gay men who like foreskin, but what about females? The thought of oral-sex may be a problem. We would have to "forget" that circumcision ever existed, but that's impossible (I know that foreign countries lean towards non-circumcision, but some also do not believe in a woman shaving her legs/armpits; that is hardly to change in the U.S.),
For circumcision, I believe that it is liberal ideologically. It first spread beyond Jews in the Progressive Era as a way to inhibit masturbation.
No, I do not support circumcision. It is a barbaric practice. However, if someone decides to get circumcised at a later age, of their own volition, I hold nothing against them.
Politically, I'm slightly left of center, but I don't really see how that has any relevance to this matter.
I don't support circumcision and according to a survey I did, I am a social libertarian. I believe in women's rights, but I am not a feminist as is defined today.
shareI didn't want to tell this story but I was circumcised as a kid (age 11) for medical reasons and it hurt like hell.
Ok, it hurt. Surgery will hurt and the shot of anesthesia. But, the temporary pain is never enough reason to base a decision (for any medical procedure)
.. why didnt' you want to tell the story? Nothing to be embarrassed about.
Try urinating after being circumcised.
shareTry being permanently physically scarred by more than one surgeon, like I am.
Try suffering from brain cancer like my sister did (before she passed way)
Try having an incurable speech impediment, which affects your career/ relationships.
Try being debilitated with depression which affects every facet of your entire life.
So, too bad about the inconvenience regarding your temporary urinating problem. Nobody promised you a charmed flawless life, sport. Now get out into the world and look around you--you'll feel better later about your pee-pee. How dare you have a temporary problem of any kind.
I am sorry to hear about your health issues. I was relating my experience as an 11 year old having to have a circumcision. It wasn't a lot of fun and it is something I will never forget. All the best man.
I didn't say all of those were my health issues. My point is I have problems with those who have never so much as been hospitalized in their life who feel so inconvenienced when they encounter one problem, not that your issue at 11 yrs old has been your only problem.
Point taken. I was hospitalized at age 12 with pneumonia and almost checked out. I broke my collar bone when I was 16 which also hurt like hell. I haven't been in a hospital since and I have had only two minor surgeries as an adult.
shareI am sorry to hear; pneumonia is very serious. My collar-bone is still broken (sort-of), since there is no cast for it and one bone heals over the other.
Let's put this certain movie-chat behind us. Be well.
Jeasus H Christ!😖
shareThat's what I said over and over.
shareDUDE! I mean holy F***!!! What on earth could make that neccessary??? Foreskin cancer? Come on man...details!!!
You are the second non infant I've known to have that done. My buddy frank had it at 15...YEAH! Think of all the involuntary erections a kid has at 15😱
The condition is called phimosis which is basically tight foreskin. The family doctor noticed it when I was a kid and said I will need to be circumcised before puberty. Hence the surgery at age 11. I know several guys who have had this done.
share Deliciousfeet
What are you bugging him for? Did you know 11 yrs old not an infant?
I have read about the condition he speaks about where the foreskin is too tight and PAINFUL, requiring surgery. Your supposedly hipster F-worded fun-filled remarks do not impress. It's not a game.
Hownos is my dude. Friends joke...invite yourself the fuck out the conversation if you don't know the context of it👍
shareDuh. He's your dude? Better make sure that's not one-sided. And if you don't want comments on a public board, "invite yourself the fuck out the conversation".
Yes, I know you perform these type-antics on all the boards to sound cool.
Sounds like all you're Producing Now...are tears😂 you need me to get you some tissues?
shareare tears😂 you need me to get you some tissues?
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No, no'll need them for your (wet) foreskin.
..or Ralphs has Brawny paper towel on sale this week for your shopping pleasure. 2 -ply! (not the select-a-size, full sheet.)
You got that dick gets wet often😉,
You sound it your time of the month? Bet Ralph's has some cranberry juice and Midol for ya👍
How about forced ear piercings on children?