MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Friday Night-Storm Incoming!!

Friday Night-Storm Incoming!!

I had nice weekend plans but they are about to be foiled
Seems Mother Nature is sending high winds and heavy rains my way
So...we regroup

Tonight im stowing yard furniture and loading in more firewood just in case
(then im drinking!)

Saturday will be for housechores, maybe organize the cellar where all the furniture is going

Sunday is damage assessment and clean up

How about you folks
Doing anything fun?


Yours doesn't sound like much fun; actually sounds rather nasty, but it's good movie-watching weather, right?

I'm hoping to see the sun again. It's been dark and rainy here for the past three days. Not a lot of rain, just the constant drizzle. I haven't quite decided what I want to do this weekend. Well, except there might be a few adult beverages involved. 😉


You have a knack for finding the bright-side Glen...thats why everyone loves you😚
I certainly hope to do some movie viewing!

Crummy weather requires a few drinks 🍻🍻🍻


Crummy weather requires a few drinks 🍻🍻🍻

It does and I'm on board already! 🍻


A rainy weekend here also and cold about 40 degrees. The leaves will have to sit till next weekend.


I got my leaves done a few days ago before the rain set in. I think (hope) I'm done with yard work for the season.


I have a ton of trees
I do the whole area 3 times every fall and once again in spring
Not fun but lots of music and beer are my secret weapons
The leaves never know what hit them!


I have just two trees on the boulevard, but one of my neighbors has a huge maple that usually dumps its leaves in my yard. I always hope for a south wind 😉 so they stay in his yard, but it didn't happen this year. Where I live the yards are tiny so leaves are to be expected. Strange thing though, his tree dumped a bunch of "baby" whirlybirds when the leaves came down. The whirlybird seeds usually come down fully formed in the spring, but this year we got a "bonus." Weird.


The weather all year has been so ass-backwards im not surprised by the surprise whilybirds


Yes, stay dry and relax if youre able
This should pass by tomorrow afternoon so sunday sounds like yard time


I'm relaxed. Probably too relaxed already. 😌


Chores done, dishes dried and put catching up to you sister!!


Critter cage clean here. It's going to take some "work" to catch up, but I have faith in you! 🍻


Getting there mi Amiga

Im cleaning a retro indoor Preway brand freestanding fireplace in my garage right is a work of art and i got it for free with nothing but dirty finger nails and a few aches in the deal

Its cherry red with an enormous smokestack...11 feet tall!!
18x30 opening and in excellent condition
I think shes a late 70s model but im still searching the net with the model number

I will recondition this BEAST over the winter and install her on a bed of blocks and pea gravel in the early spring surrounded by a curbing of small boulders

I got it from my bro-in-law (the annoying but decent one, for free!)


Wow! Lucky you! You'll have to post a picture next spring when it's done!


After all this time i still dont know how to post stuff
Im on a phone usually and i think that makes it harder
Also, im pretty dumb with this sort of thing lol
I will try though


Well, you've got several months to figure it out. Get acquainted with Imgur. If I can do it, you can.


Im in the same path. Gonna watch "Salem's Lot" tonite. The 1979 miniseries. Blu-ray


Good choice
I enjoyed the TV series have read the novel 3 is one of the spookiest books ive ever read


Something similar for me. Gonna hunker down with some beer & snacks and a 3-disc trilogy ( 5 & 1/2 hrs. run time ) that covers a decade and looks pretty intense from what I've been able to glean from the synopsis on the back. Not sure how this will turn out but I'll at least get toasted & into my 'happy zone. '


I know you get some WILD weather out your way so im sure you are well provisioned

Hunker away buddy, I loaded up on booze on the way home so ill get lit and clean the house tomorrow...and fit in some hunkering and movies as well🥃


Fantastic series! Remake with Rob Lowe wasn't too bad, either. But the original was amazing!


It's 75 degrees in the SF Bay Area. I'm just enjoying the weather. Stay warm where ever you are.


That hurt Slimone!

Have a glorious weekend by The Bay
Slightly jealous over here😉


We're getting hit as well. I've been into beach combing lately, so maybe the storm will help uncover some more treasures. Its amazing what you can find when your looking. In particular, I've been finding some very old pottery/ceramic shards, along with all types of beach glass.

Other than that, I glued to the World Series. Red Sox are my team!!!!


Thats cool, me and my boy love treasure hunting
So far we have found nothing but he leads the way through the woods (we are nowhere near a beach) with his metal detector and i carry the gear
Fun times and we go fairly often

Your pottery shards sound interesting
If you are in the Northeast they may date back to the Dutch or English


Hunkering down today, tonight. Cozy in my home.
Tomorrow is our home clean up day, floors, vacuuming.


My scary storm turned out to be a wimp...its been very rainy and the wind gave me some fright this morning but no damage!
Looking at the bright side the 'storm' caused me to stash away all of my yard furniture, close the pool and drag in more firewood...i stayed up until 5 this morning preparing for it

Is it awful by you lennon?


Hey Yonkers ! Been raining on and off, sometimes heavy, all day. It's terribly cold here, too. Raw and uncomfortable to be outside. It's going to be this way till Monday, I noticed.
BUT, I will not complain too heartily, as I dislike summer heat and humidity completely! Give me cold, even snow and I'm AOK.❄️


We have the drizzles now... not heavy rain at all but the cold dampness is upon us...been burning firewood all day

Oh gosh, i dont like the snow very much at all
Sure, it is quite pretty but im not looking foward to driving in it!
And the parkinkg becomes a nightmare down in the city when it snows...I prefer the hot summer


Yes, I'm not a fan of driving in it, but I do , if I have to. If I have no where to go, I just hunker down and enjoy it.


Just for you guy, one of my favorite old tunes :


Great song
Never saw the performers until just now...they looked like they were having a blast!
Thanks DB


Yeah, I had acquired my first drum set by then and joined a garage band with some of my high school buddies. That's why my memory took me there & I can relate to that natural euphoria you mentioned.


A garage band sounds like a hell of a time!

I got into guitar as a teen...i was really horrible at it AND my voice is awful so good for anyone that had a fun band
I really wish i were better but i just had no skills!


Btw, I just finished disc 2 of the trilogy I previously mentioned. This is it:; preparing to move on to the final one. It is intense as I anticipated, and even darker and grim, one of the worst stories of police corruption I've seen.


Im well aware of that series...Ive wanted to watch that for some time but it never comes up on my streaming services


Today- nursing hangover
That’s about as far as I got for weekend planning.

Enjoy your weekend Yonkers!


Sorry to hear you are not feeling well froggyandtoadie...i am often hungover as well but i know how to cure it...
This is a cinch:
Take 3 Ibuprofin (it wont mess up your liver like the Asparin) and LOTS of cold water...followed by several hours of rough, sweaty physical activity

I hurt myself several times a month so i know what im talking about

Best wishes


Thanks bud, appreciate the advice! Yeah, sitting through an 18 inning ballgame at the bar probably wasn’t the best decision I’ve ever made, but it was fun! Take it easy.



Nice to see you Moose!
You are correct, the sports -aid drinks do help

I do most chores with a drink in hand but the gutters scare me (im afraid of the heights)

