Junk food!

Usually I eat pretty well. Organic when I can, lots of fresh foods, not much in the way of processed. But sometimes ... sometimes!

Recently I bought two slices of pizza. Convenience store pizza no less! 😬 And yes, it was delicious πŸ˜„

In-n'-Out burgers are usually the only junk food I eat, and not that often. I do like french fries, but only if they're really good fries, otherwise, pass. In-n'-Out is high quality and very fresh so I consider it only semi-junk food.

I think pizza has to be my weakness in the junk food category.

How's about you?


Oh god OK I don't binge eat too much much but when I watch a movie then I can't resist sometimes. My go-to are Sweet Popcorn, Barbecue Pringles, Nachos with a tomato based dip or Maltesers.
Don't want to put on too much weight though so have to watch it lol xx


Is pizza considered junk food????? I don't eat junk food at all but I like a slice of pizza now and then.
