Hollywood is wealthy. Why are they liberal?
They talk about compassion for the poor but they seem to instinctively hate the working class.
shareThey talk about compassion for the poor but they seem to instinctively hate the working class.
sharespend some time in Seattle or Portland maybe, it did it for me, there's my two cents , screw the corporations, sent from my iPhone in Starbucks
Hollywood has always been a place where different people go to live dreams dreams. A lot of gay people are in hollywood. They are
therefore anti-traditionalist.
I think most of them are full of crap. Most don't want anyone to know that they are really Republican. Full of crap!
shareit's a cult. I don't how or why liberalism became their defacto ideology, maybe because of the perceived acceptance of debauchery? but they are sick, and the films are crap.
shareThey, as a class, are debauched. Democrats say (mostly) "ANYTHING GOES"! Viola!
No, I think you instinctively hate people. Anyone who doesn't conform to your idea of Everyone Finding Their Place In Life And Being Happy With It.
Keep on Hating On Us. At some point the Ceiling will fall on you and you won't know what hit you.
And you are just the right person to confabulate some nonsensical argument.
(Sarcasm) No, rich people should be republicans because they should only be in it for themselves and only have the bottom line in mind. Anyone who isn't rich isn't worth considering, ergo, all rich people should be rethuglicans.
Happy now? Let's give ourselves tax cuts so we can further distance ourselves from the rest of the losers. They are lucky to have any jobs at all. Hollywood should only make entertainment that celebrates winners, that's what would make all the 1% and wannabes comfortable. Not winners in the sense of people who find love and harmony despite their incomes, but only people with Big Incomes. Crazy Rich Asians, come on down !
yeah I can see a lot of pissed off working class in Hollywood. never been there though.