MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Hollywood is wealthy. Why are they liber...

Hollywood is wealthy. Why are they liberal?

They talk about compassion for the poor but they seem to instinctively hate the working class.


It seems to be a common misconception between them that the working class are actually upper class capitalists that want to take over America.


Outside of the fact that they become surrounded by one spoken mindset is that many of them feel guilty about the outrageous sums of money that they make. Appearing not to want to share might make them unpopular with the public that helped make them millionaires.

It's difficult to make millions in the space of a few months and publicly justify it without appearing like one empathizes with those that have less.
Of course the few that actually have compassion for the more needy are those that take actual actions behind the scenes... The ones you never hear about and avoid publicity about it. Those that must be photographed for every good deed are only courting favorable publicity.

I'm not sure what you mean about instinctively hating the working class...but I do think it's a class thing. They think they are special and people that accept a more mundane life are not.


Ouch ! Your back must hurt after trying to pretzel your argument about how successful people must feel and act after cashing in on their success. Perhaps you should publish a full-length article, a book even, on your theories of how and why successful Hollywood types do what they do. Insightful I'm sure it will be.


What does that even mean?
I can imagine my observations would be more insightful than you're own.
You already know everything...right?

Instead of insulting you could articulate better.
But let me guess??? You're a " progressive"..
I'm a lifetime liberal who has been turned centralist by all the extremist.
Everything I say is not an absolute, by the way...but a general observation. Maybe you could listen to different points of view instead of judging every comma and period.


I apologize if I came off smug or whatever, but I see a lot of wrong-wing types around here putting words into "libs" mouths, creating scenarios where they want to point out the hypocrisy of someone who is wealthy therefore by definition doesn't care about the poor. They want to sound like they are intimately familiar with how Hollywood types think and live and blast off at this supposed hypocrisy, while the wrong-wing wants only to ignore the working class while they try to mold our culture so they are in power and rake all the dough for themselves.
If you are not this type of person, I apologize to you ... something I've never seen a wrong-winger do around here.


And there's no shortage of them around here for some reason.


Are they liberal though?


Yes. And they talk about how they don't want a border wall, but then they live in gated communities. And they complain about capitalism, but make 20 million/picture. And they want to take away our guns, but they have heavily armed security. And they talk about compassion for women, and they're the worst sexual predators in America.

They're rank hypocrites.



I agree, im angry of my position financially but you don't know for a fact everyone is sexual predators, yeah it bums me out that i'll never be in my 50's dating 20 year olds. fame and money make you corrupt. but if you play the system right and make money then you can be a conservative with a hot wife.


If you're upset with your financial situation, work harder and/or get a second job. Also cut your expenses. You're the one in control of your situation. If necessary, go back to school and get a degree.

BTW, this is not me talking, but financial adviser Dave Ramsey, You really should listen to his am radio show. It's on
at 7:00 - 10:00 pm, M-F I think. He teaches seven "baby steps" to take to get to financial security. He also provides
the materials for "Financial Peace University". It's taught, usually at your local church, by a "leader", and is nine weekly classes. Lots of people have followed his methods and have achieved financial security, or at least have gotten out of debt. When they become debt free, they call his radio show for a "Debt Free Scream"!

I didn't say the scumbags in Hollyweird are ALL sexual predators, but there are a LOT of them. They're hypocrites.



I get a government handout for mental health issues I had in my late twenties. I went to college and decided I loved learning so much I would rather take piano lessons or become a chess grandmaster, learn some creative skill rather than work in finance. I am trying to conquer the world on a global scale with chump change.

I want to be important, known for something that is family friendly.

I was just telling my dad I want to have a kid and turn him/her into a chess prodigy or just be really supportive artistically for them.


Good luck with that. So do you have a job, or do you just depend on the government handout for support?



They are only trying to protect themselves from YOU.


Anything with Thrillhouse attached to it doesn't deserve a response.
I'm addressing the general public, not the OP.


Ahhhhahah! Thrillhouse, what a creepy name.


The name isn't creepy, it's the poster that's creepy. Arch Wrong-Wing, flaming stupid remarks about people that don't conform to his world view. It's deplorable and disgusting, just like Kavanaugh's Political diatribe about the opposition to his nomination.
(Sarcam) It's a Democrat agenda to defeat me. I'm not going away.
Well, how wonderful for Progressive politics. We don't have a nice Centrist Jurist who calls it as he sees it, he's Cemented Bed-Rock in alt-wrong politics.
We shouldn't be saddled with too many Wrong-wing jerk-offs making important decisions for us. One or two are expected, but a majority? No !
Thomas is a joke, a rubber stamper for whatever conservative agenda comes around.
Hell, if he could decide if molesting women were legal, I'm sure he'd vote for it, with great enthusiasm.
He's the worst jurist this Great Country has ever seen.
And I'm borrowing from the Trump playbook just to Trump up the outrage.
The Greatest, the Worst, whatever. Just bellow it out there and a certain amount of people will swallow that Pill or that Hook, Line and Sinker. Effing ridiculous.


They didn't start out wealthy, many of them.


Mental illness. Delusional. Usually die sad, addicted or alone. Its HOLLYWOOD!


Sorry. Are you alluding to your own family? This makes me sad.

