MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Wacky fictional murder methods 😱

Wacky fictional murder methods 😱

Murder by chandelier - victim wakes up with his arms and legs chained to the four bedposts. Murderer cuts a rope that releases the chandelier which falls on the victim, piercing him with its bottom finial.

What are some other memorable murder methods?


Death by razor blade baked apple pie in Night of the Demons (1988) I never understood how the husband could have chewed on them before they destroyed his throat when he swallowed. His old wife done a good job though and the pie looked decent.


Beating beaten to death in a sleeping bag using another body in a sleeping bag. πŸ˜…


In an episode of CSI NY a can of expanding foam sprayed down the victims throat.


In an old Alfred Hitchcock presents:
A woman kills her husband by beating him to death with a FROZEN LEG OF LAMB! She then thaws it and roasts it and invites the detective on the case if he wants to join her for dinner!!! Hahahah the best one.


Man killed by a soda machine in Maximum Overdrive.


They weren't murders, but they certainly had a lot of really wacky deaths in the "Final Destination" series. Most of them were very improbably Rube Goldberg deaths.



Incapacitated by cattle prod, then drowned.


Disable with trip-wire and run over with a tank to finish the job.
