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Films that terrified you as a kid

I love horror films but as a kid, it was kids films and tv that scared the sh!t out of me... and still do in some cases!
The main culprits were:
* return to oz (the screaming heads)
* Willy wonka (gene wilder)
*worzel gummage (angry head)
* the original Moomins

Also traumatised by the horse one swamp in never ending story ๐Ÿ˜ถ

What were your nightmares made of? ...


Jaws - Never went in the ocean again after seeing it.

Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color: Mr. Boogedy

The NeverEnding Story - Gmork the wolf-like creature


When a stranger calls (1979) still terrifies me ever since I watch that movie on late night cable along with my babysitter who abandon us towards the scene as the killer was walking down the stairs & left us kids all alone for the rest of the night in state of fear..


Yeah the beginning of that film is fantastic, very unnerving.


The ending also for which I saw recently


Same lol, I'll dip my toe in but no further


Jaws - Ben Gardner's head, Arrgh!!

The Grudge - ghost without a jaw!

The Return of the Living Dead - Tarman!


Threads (1984) Movie about Nuclear War. When The Day After aired a year early, my mom wouldn't let me watch it. Parents were warned not to let their kids watch it. The next day, she was like it wasn't all that bad, you could've watched it. A year later the British nuke film, Threads, aired in the US with little promotion. So, I was excited to watch it. Well, I watched it alright. Movie was f'ing scary!!! Gave me nightmares for years.


I've never heard of it but it sounds great. I'll look for it this evening. Thanks :)


You can buy/rent it on Amazon prime.
There are bits and pieces of it on youtube.


Wow, I have just watched this- no wonder it terrified you! The effects still look realistic too. Thanks for the recommendation ๐Ÿ‘


The Dark Crystal. Rather scary when you're seven. I really like it now, though.


Stephen King's IT miniseries is the only one that ever kept me up at night. But I was really attracted to horror and scary things at the time. I think that's why I also loved Are You Afraid of the Dark? and The Twilight Zone. I'm still a huge fan of slightly dark, supernatural things - though definitely not a horror purist anymore.


Atrayu's horse in the swamp of despair...that scene was cruel man, way to play with kid's emotions, you know? COME ON!

I grew up on horror movies though, on account of my parents liking them. So they'd inundate me with enough, "Its just pretend"s that nothing really got to me too much.
Then this movie came out, "The Serpent and the Rainbow"...I was around 14-15, and man, I felt that movie in my bones lol
Something about was well acted and the plot was...more within the realm of plausibility than any of the Friday the 13th movies or whatever. Creepy stuff.

OH, I watched Last House on the Left when I was 9 or 10, and was scary, yeah, but it made me feel dirty and weird, with the sleazeball evilness of the villains. It was like the dirty ashtray of horror films and I'd wished I hadn't put that shit in my head lol
The original was pretty messed up.


The Serpent and the Rainbow is excellent


You're GODDAMN RIGHT it is.
I mean...yeah, it really is =]
I think that was the first movie to really put the "horror" into horror movies for me. Superbly scary.


I looked up the serpent and the rainbow and was a put off by zombies, which bore me and by Wes craven, who i find over the top when it comes to the special effects.
I ignored my misgivings and have just watched it, what a fantastic film!! Strange that I've never seen this on tv, the horror channel would be perfect to show it to a new audience.


Hah that's awesome! Shoot, it's probably been 15 years since I've seen that movie last, so remember it with much a much younger mentality, you know? Nice to hear its held up. And pretty neat that you went and sought it out, despite your reservations. Especially so I could say, 'Toldja!' lol
Good point about a new audience. I'd even think a remake could be in order, but like most remakes these days, I doubt they could do it justice, likely turning it into some run-of-the-mill PG-13 zombie flick you'd forget a month after having seen it.


Fire in the Sky

I still don't know what the hell my dad was thinking bringing me to that lol.


I can understand this. There were scenes in that movie that creeped me out as an adult.


The Ten Commandments: When Moses throws one of the stone tablets bearing the holy inscription of the Ten Commandments in disgust at a lot of his people for embracing idolatry, causing a fiery chasm in the Earth to form on impact, sending people to their grave demise.

Unlike the other miracles he performed, some of which also claimed lives, such as the sea folding back onto the pursuing ancient Egyptians and the unseen force taking the lives of the first-born before the events of the Exodus, it was random and incredibly provocative seeing Moses's face being physically incensed with anger unleashing punishment of that kind on his own people. He questions his journey committing an act he believes to be of brutal necessity.



There were some episodes of Lost in Space that scared the shit outta me as a kid
