MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Weirdest movie ever?

Weirdest movie ever?

So many of them. One that's been haunting me lately is a slice of avant-garde from '68 called "The Swimmer." Burt Lancaster plays the titular main character, clad, from start to finish, only in tight swim briefs. It starts out as a cocktail hour frolic -- even jet set age icon Joan Rivers (giving the viewer the chance to see her before she submitted herself to a thousand facelifts) makes an appearance -- before descending into Lynchian depths of surrealism. Movies that start as one thing and then become something else entirely often flounder. For example: "Hancock". "The Swimmer," on the other hand, is an example of a film pulling off this difficult trick with ease.

It's recommended for those who want a really strange experience.





Finally! Three pages into this thread before someone mentions this classic.

This movie produced some weird anti-AMSR effect in me when I first saw it. The bizarre visuals combined with the industrial white noise soundtrack produced this weird melange of disgust, uneasiness and flat out WTF? disturbance that was hypnotic.


Thanks, and I couldn't agree more. It might not be the weirdest movie ever made, but it's certainly the weirdest one
I've ever seen. Ironically enough Lynch used Jack Nance again in Twin Peaks, one of the weirdest and best TV series
of all time.





Gummo (1997) and The Holy Mountain (1973). They're both interesting movies, but bizarre. I've heard that Dogtooth (2009) is really weird, and judging from the trailer I would agree, but I've never seen it myself.


Hostel (2005) a nightmare that won't be believed.


Head (1968) starring The Monkees and co-written by Jack Nicholson.


Yes, The Swimmer was a strange one. I watched it because I'm a fan of Burt Lancaster.

Other weird movies:
2001: A Space Odyssey
Blade Runner


Without a doubt it's

The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade

A strange yet hypnotic film.
Still don't know if I hate it or love it.



Are you serious? 🀨





I thought maybe you made it up. I watched a trailer for it. At first I couldn't decide if it was supposed to be serious or not. I laughed. Maybe that tire was off that semi in "Duel."
