MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Tell me 10 facts about yourself!

Tell me 10 facts about yourself!

I'm nosey and want to know more about you people! Share some facts about yourself please. Here are 10 true facts about me:

1. I am Canadian
2. I have a beard
3. I love watching classic and contemporary films from all genres and different countries
4. I like watching NFL football
5. My favourite team is the Green Bay Packers
6. My favourite film director is Alfred Hitchcock.
7. I work in an office doing technical support over the phone.
8. I like pizza.
9. My favourite colour is green.
10. My first name is Steve.


1. I'm Retired.
2. I hold a Brown Belt in Tae Kwon Doe (Korean Karate).
3. I'm a Certified Scuba Diver.
4. I've been Hang Gliding, and have piloted an Ultralight.
5. I've been to 29 countries, and five continents.
6. I've been skydiving.
7. My favorite Movie is 2001: A Space Odyssey.
8. I served in the U.S. Army.
9. My favorite TV Show is: Twin Peaks.
10. My favorite food is Lobster.



you should fight R Kane


He would kick my ass toots suite.



It would be like Barney Fife shadow boxing.


now that is funny to start the day.


The fact is --
I don't tell people facts about my life upon demand. X 10


1. I am not Canadian .....thank God (just kidding Hownos)
2. I have 4 dogs
3. I like music more than movies
4. I watch way too much baseball
5. I've spent at least one night in every state west of the Mississippi
6. I love baked mac and cheese
7. I love whiskey
8. I sing to my pups almost every day
9. I missed MC
10. I may still love Stratego


try singing to Stratego


I've tried that and she usually puts a gag in my mouth.
Unless I'm singing Man in Motion.
Not that I'm complaining.
It's kinda hot!


ball gags can kill the mood. so I have been told


That's not what your neighbors tell me!
Gotta keep those windows covered.


There you are! I been askin...why don't he write? Like dances with wolves and wind in his hair...the music will stop playing...but I don't care! Cause the beats are free and like the ladies they're easy...we be movin on George and weezy😉


My man, spittin the gospel!

I heard a calling

I've spent too long away from home
Did all the things I could have done
Gone are the days of endless thrills
I know I'm not the only one

I want the sun to hit my face
Through oak trees in the open lot
Forget about the things you want
Be thankful for what all you got

So long, I'm goin', goin' home...


They clamoring for you my man👍😃
Soak that love up my brother!!!
I'm so glad to see ya!
I' ll be around...but you enjoy this fan don't grown on trees ya feel me?
Besides...most of that attention is from all these fineMC don't want to let them down😉


^ Preach!


See...right here goes one of the best! And y'all wonder why I can't stay away?


Oh geez, I just remembered YOU had some 5 star news today too!!!! Is today a great day, or what?!? 🤗


1. I have a twin sister (we are fraternal so, we don't look anything alike)
2. I am a vegetarian
3. My favorite color is yellow
4. I have a cat named Boots
5. I have been married for over 3 years
6. I'm a huge fan of Disneyland and Disney World
7. My favorite movie is Breakfast at Tiffany's
8. I live in California
9. I love making smoothies in my Ninja Blender
10. My name is Andrea


You have several things in common with a few of our members
You are a very good fit here Andrea
My Ninja Blender died after about 2 years but it was sweet while it lasted!


Thank you so much! Sorry to hear about your Ninja Blender. :(


1. My first name is Hamish
2. An atheist but I am open to the idea of ghosts existing
3. I live in the Australian state of Victoria
4. My favourite song is "Love Missile F1-11" by Sigue Sigue Sputnik
5. My representational colour is yellow
6. Roughly 50% Dutch ancestry
7. I never learnt how to ride a bike because I was never interested in it
8. My first spoken word was "don't" apparently
9. I have a mild case of globophobia (fear of balloons)
10. I have blonde hair and black eyebrows


1. I have dual nationality - British and American.
2. I have lived in Florida, Bangkok and ‘Sunny’ Bournemouth.
3. I have a degree in music.
4. I can speak several languages, including Indonesian, Thai, Khmer and French.
5. I race cars in an amateur capacity.
6. I have a huge vinyl and CD collection.
7. I have been collecting comics for over 40 years.
8. I love travelling and have been to over 50 countries.
9. I am the Director of 2 companies.
10: I love Tsing Tao beer, Pinot Grigio, Southern Comfort and Lemonade, Smirnoff Black Label, Tea.


Quels sont tes meilleures disques de vinyles et tes super héros préférés?


Out Of The Blue - ELO

The John Byrne run on Uncanny X-Men


À quel pourcentage dirait tu que tu connais le français?


En ce moment beaucoup moins car je ne l'utilise pas, mais si je vais en France alors ça me revient.


Wow, C’est bon quand même. Bravo


Tu es trop gentil. Je rougis, lol.


1. 62 years old
2. Born and grew up in New York City
3. Went to private school for middle/high school
4. Grateful Dead is my favorite band since I was 15
5. Never had a long-term career
6. Served four years in the marines in the 1980s
7. Earned a college degree at age 44
8. Never married
9. Have one sibling (sister) but we are not close
10. Stereo equipment has been a hobby for many years


#7 - awesome! Inspiring!

#6 - thank you


> 6. Served four years in the marines in the 1980s

Cool. I never served in the military -- I was young, liberal, and arrogant. In retrospect I wish I had enlisted and served a stint right after college graduation. Not in the Marines, I know my limits. But I've got perfect pitch and I've always been good at math. I think I would have been good as a sonar man on an attack sub. Financially it's a great deal, and it's giving something back.

I don't know if you're a Jeopardy viewer, but there was a Marine officer who just finished a brief stretch as champion -- three days, IIRC. Very impressive and knowledgable man. He represented your Corps well.


1. My favorite candy is rose flavored Turkisk Delight with dusted sugar
2. I prefer aisle seats on airplanes and window seats on trains
3. I can cook specialities from over 15 nations
4. I don’t like watching sports on tv but I love movies about sports
5. I just bought some of the Lysol laundry sanitizer to wash the dog’s stinky blankets
6. I prefer sativa over indica
7. I am a night owl and an early bird
8. I like cats and dogs equally
9. I have travelled to an antipode
10. I like my eggs done over medium
