MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Tell me 10 facts about yourself!

Tell me 10 facts about yourself!

I'm nosey and want to know more about you people! Share some facts about yourself please. Here are 10 true facts about me:

1. I am Canadian
2. I have a beard
3. I love watching classic and contemporary films from all genres and different countries
4. I like watching NFL football
5. My favourite team is the Green Bay Packers
6. My favourite film director is Alfred Hitchcock.
7. I work in an office doing technical support over the phone.
8. I like pizza.
9. My favourite colour is green.
10. My first name is Steve.


And the most important thing


I only have two RE6 posters





So mean:)


Good Idea Allaby, although most people already know me quite well, here I go:

1. I am french Canadian
2. I played hockey for 9 years, also enjoy Tennis BAsket and Golf
3. I appeared on Tom Green SHow twice. (proof on youtube)
4. My speciality is Nachos
5. My favorite team is the Montreal Canadians
6. My favorite movies are Requiem For a Dream, Fight Club and Friday
7. I work with seniors as a consultant/rep/animator
8. I enjoy drugs and alcohol but quit Cigs a year ago
9. I write songs and rap
10. You can call me Will


good on you for quitting cigs. i quit 15 years ago. probably the toughest thing i've ever done.

did you use anything to help you quit? nicorette or anything like that?


patches but I started with the second step, since I did not smoke enough for step 3.


1- My name isn't Barry
2- I'm going bald
3- I'm a chain smoker
4- My team is Manchester United
5- I have 4 dogs and a Parrot
6- I get uncontrollable urges to karaoke whilst drunk much to my embarrassment the morning after.
7- I have 3 sons
8- I never flew on Concorde 😖
9- I prefer to use taxis as I hate driving
10- I was at the Champions League Final in 1999.


shave your head would be my advice.
what is your favorite karaoke song ??


It's at the back just now, like Friar Tuck. Favourite Karaoke song is Don't You Want Me by the Human League or Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran.


1. I drive too fast
2. I skip lunch a lot because I hate sandwiches and salads as meals
3. I can play the piano
4. I hate Gouda cheese and poke bowls
5. I like to take stairs and avoid using elevators and escalators
6. I don’t have any tattoos
7. Whenever I drive by a dog or cat or some other animal, I point and shout “Animal!”
8. My favourite ice cream flavour is black Raspberry chocolate chip
9. I always swipe pens and soaps in hotel rooms (free souvenirs!)
10. I leave good tips, unless service was atrociously bad



I live in an urban area so pigeons, squirrels and rats get a pass unless they are in danger. I yell when folks are with me but when I am alone you know I am thinking it.



No, not often. Usually only spot them in subway stations where they scurry around the tracks.

Deer, chipmunks, rabbits. Your setting sounds awesome.



We have skunks here too. I like them, *except* when they get scared, by my dog or anything else.

No deer, but we have bunnies, squirrels, coyotes, and some foxes, and not in the yard :). A few possum. Do you have them too?

I love living where there's still nature to be found. Sounds like you do too.



I’ve seen raccoons raiding dumsters at night. Coyotes are kind of wild though. I went camping last month and was alarmed to see mountain lion warnings posted 😮



We have mountain lions here. Sometimes the warnings are posted on the nearby hiking trails.

I had a close encounter with one once. It was the most terrified I've ever been. In hindsight, I probably wasn't in any danger, but at the time ... 😱😱😱


We used to have raccoons too, but they all died due to a parvo outbreak. I like them, but they do want to get into our trash, either because food for them is scarce or it's an easier meal. Or both.


The wooded are behind my house has:



Wow, sounds like a great place to live to me! Lucky you.


Went camping with a GF a few years ago. We were standing around getting dinner ready, and I noticed a skunk ambling by.
I said, "Hey, there's a skunk." She said, "Yeah, right." I said, "No really, there's a skunk right there." She looks over and exclaims, "Oh what a beautiful little skunk ! He's gorgeous !"
She went on to explain that her Pa used to like to say Skunk just to get the kids to look up, but there never was one.
And that little critter just bobbled through our campsite like we were all sharing the road, happy as can be.


Awww, that is a cute story.


Thanks. I have all kinds of cute stories, but I'll try to parcel them out judiciously.


1. I don’t like tea
2. Children’s books are my favourite books
3. Crossing bridges on foot makes me uneasy
4. I love sci-fi, but I hate Star Wars
5. I like competitive cooking better than competitive anything else
6. I’m not scared of spiders or snakes
7. I get claustrophobic watching TV shows with no natural lighting
8. My favourite colour is gold, but I love seeing the colour green in movies and on TV
9. I find freshly baked bread to be the best smell in the world
10. I can’t swim, nor do I wish to learn.



I just mean children's books in general. Like a lot of kids, I grew up reading Roald Dahl and I still love those books. Some of my favourites are Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book and Kate di Camillo's The Mysterious Journey of Edward Tulane. But I also like fairytales and picture books. I think the category is broad by definition and I appreciate that.



I mean, who hasn't read Where the Wild Things Are? I think I've read some of Sendak's picture books, but quite a while ago. Has he written anything for older kids, 8+? Yeah Gaiman has some good ones. I really like InterWorld as well. Oddly enough, not a big fan of Coraline.



No !


I am going to sort of mirror your facts...

1. I am Czechoslovakian mostly, with some German and French in there.
2. I am 41 but pass for 30 (or less, I see peeps in their late 20s that look older than me)
3. I love 3D movies. I even do 3D photography.
4. I love chess.
5. My favorite game team is... well, Nintendo. Mario 4 Lyfe, sucka
6. My favorite director is James Cameron.
7. I have worked in law firms for 20 years now. I always wind up in high-profile and/or famous firms.
8. I like pizza WITH PINEAPPLE!!! Mix that with Italian sausage and jalapeno, mmmm mmm.
9. My favorite color is brushed steel.
10. My first name is John.


I'm 150 years old
I moved here from another planet 100 years ago
My hair is purple
My eyes are red
I don't eat food, I absorb it
My favorite tv series is 3d Rock from the Sun
I'm amazed at what a weird place the planet Earth is.
I wanna go home!!!!!



is related to croft who also can't count to 10



I'm 110 years old! My memory isn't like it used to be.

