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What are we all doing this weekend?

Tonight is Friday...the best night there is!
I started the rum drinks early...its quite likely that im getting wasted tonight and im sure ill have Good Company😉

Tomorrow im rebuilding the stairs from the garage to the first floor...they are a dusty deathtrap at this point and i need to get on that!
I have the lumber and hardware piled up in the garage corner, should be like a two hour job for a guy that knows what hes doing...i wish i knew a guy that knows what hes doing lol
Im figuring to finish by next week sometime😁

How's about you MC folks?
Any fine weekend plans?


First up - liquor store. 🚗


Do it!

Is it bad to know your various liquor store guys on a first name basis..?
Im asking for a friend of course...

Whats the next stop this Friday night Glenny-Girl?


I really need to mow my lawn, but it's been so flippin' hot and humid lately. The weekend looks the same. I may try later this evening or tomorrow morning. Other than that, watch a little Netflix and try to stay cool.


You are quite the planner!
Must admit i really like that:)!


I have to be a bit of a planner. Otherwise I don't get anything done. It's too easy to sit in front of my computer for too long. There's always something to read, or check in here to see what's going on.


I get that Glen
Completely get that...
Hard to get off your butt when you're mixing it up with fun people...i hear 'ya lady!


So true, so true. 👍


Wow, it's going to drop to the 60s tonight. Tomorrow morning, early, should be good to mow!


Im building stairs in my garage/first floor...but yes, my lawn needs a proper mowing

Tomorrow the garage stairs
Sunday the lawn
Monday the world


You have an upper floor in your garage?? Nice!

I set my alarm to wake me early enough to mow. Otherwise I'll sleep until 10 am!

Monday, the world! What plans do you have for the world??



Watching a movie and eating Chinese food with a friend tommorow, Pathfinder on sunday


Solid plan
I love Chinese on a diet just now but boy that Cinese is the best
Pathfander was great fun!
Enjoy your weekend man


Sunday we are going on one of our small town Ontario visits. We do this during the summer. We find a small town that is having a fair or music festival and we take in the music, walk around and have lunch. This Sunday we are visiting a small town called Guelph which is just north of Toronto.

Upstate New York has some beautiful small towns especially Cooperstown.


At over 130,000 population, I wouldn't call Guelph a small town. Small city's more like it, but that's just me. However, we won't argue this point. If you look, there are lots of summer festivals around. Internet sure makes it easier to find them. Nice summer idea!

Found this Wikipedia. Amazing.,_Guelph,_2015.jpg


I didn't realize Guelph had gotten that big. The suburbs around it are growing and I guess that is included in the City. We stick to the older downtown where there is a folk festival. To me it is still a small town. That is a beautiful church.


I know what you mean. And you're going to the original downtown area. I much prefer that. I used to live in a suburb that tried to create a downtown "Main Street." It looked so fake; it was more like a fancy strip mall. I never understood why they would intentionally build a congested area (about 2 blocks long) that invited traffic problems. They wanted to create a "walk-able" downtown, but nobody walks there because they have to drive to get there. It might be different now since the area has been built up a lot, but still, I thought it looked ridiculous.


We had a nice time in Guelph. Got there about 10 am and had a nice breakfast at this family restaurant. Then we took in some of the folk music. Then we went for a nice long walk and had ice cream. Not a bad way to spend a summer Sunday. We ignored the suburbs - if you seen one you have seen them all.


Sounds like you had a wonderful day! Lucky you. Still to hot and humid here to do much. Frustrating because I have several things I'd like to do in my backyard. Tomorrow should be better. I hope...


That sounds great Dean-o
The music was great i imagine...i hope you met a fine beer or two🍻


Friday- watching The Brood on Criterion blu ray
Saturday- working, might watch a movie after work
Sunday- might go to the movies, going to church, will likely watch movie when I get home


I'm boring. For lunch I'm going to have a vegetarian"pulled pork" sandwich made from Jackfruit and then make my way down to the beach as usual. I also have a fridge full of Narragansett Lager, which I plan on putting a large dent in starting an hour ago. And yes, Shogun, they know my name at the liquor store AND what I like to drink lol.

Need to do some browsing on Prime and Netflix for a couple movies. Saw "A Quiet Place" last night an enjoyed it.


Sounds like you are doing it right!
Carry on;)


I love those two-hour jobs. They usually take me a month, so if you get done next week you're way ahead of me. Bonus points if you can do it without at least one injury.


Oh hell im sure ill really hurt myself, i hurt myself everyday! Im a world class dummy:/
But the garage stairs WILL get beaten...ill be bleeding by the end but by golly they will get built lol...or possibly kill me:)


I'll be attending a birthday party with some close friends. Other than that, I'll be getting into a game that just arrived in the mail, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker.


Sounds like fun!
Enjoy the party man🍸🍸


You enjoy the stairs project, Shogun. I'll save you a piece of meat on the barbecue.


Sounds great!
I like anything near the bone
Thats where the flavor is...yummy


Mushroom gathering,y'all!!
Plenty for everyone!
