MovieChat Forums > RickyDanger

RickyDanger (8)


The most underrated of the OG Wolfensteins? Which season should I start with? View all posts >


Hung out with this kid for like an hour when I was 11 until it turned out he was literally a white supremicist Watching a movie and eating Chinese food with a friend tommorow, Pathfinder on sunday Proportionally it's fairly normal sized, although I do have a large head and face so I suppose it's big-ish in the general mouth world i also stare at people with like full meals on their dashboards, but that's more a stare of admiration than of judgement. I mean, I have to agree with the above person on Body Snatchers Dredd is better than Judge Dredd I suppose, although they both pale in comparison to the comics Also, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood is better than the original anime Yeah, unless you're a traffic nose picker you really have nothing to worry about View all replies >