MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The stuff we watch for our sweeties

The stuff we watch for our sweeties

Ever have your Significant Other (hubby, wifey, boytoy or best gal...) get to the remote first and they put on something you never would have watched in a million years?
This happens with alarming regularity on the Shogun Ranch

Just recently my wonderful wife has put me through...

The Bridges of Madison County: i wanted to find the nearest bridge and dive head first off of it...
Clint Eastwood with NO guns!
I cant imagine how this even got made:(

The Notebook: i think there was a dead lady but hell if i know...its an unsexy romantic tearjerker so i was playing with my phone within minutes
Im not sure how you can make an unsexy romance movie but here is proof that it can be done

The Reader: this was actually a pretty good one...nobody to root for in it but interesting characters, an engaging story and the sexy parts were pretty hot

Im getting to that remote first tonight and im gonna play a movie with robots, zombies, car stunts...maybe some Kung-Fu...

Have you ever watched some crappy thing because your SO picked it?
If so, was it awful or sort of decent?


Silver Linings Playbook (2015) - this was so bad with its pop psychology nonsense. Won all kinds of awards and Mrs How thought it was it was the best ever. I did get through it somehow.

Big Little Lies (2017) - we binged this over a weekend. Very soap opera ish. A strong cast but the murder mystery was a bit of a letdown. Never would have watched it otherwise. Zoe Kravitz was hot.


My wife had that Silver Linings thing on the TV not too long ago and i spent 90 minutes in the garage with my cigarettes,radio and tools
Time well spent id say😁

Zoe is hot💥🔥💥


We have four TVs and we pick our corners. No problems here.
He's usually in the bedroom watching something on YouTube or Netflix by the time I come in. I like a lot of what he watches. He likes those people who review the As Seen On TV products. We especially enjoy Mathias, Vivian Tries or The Crazy Russian Hacker. Those three are the most fun.
He also likes True Crime shows like Forensic Files. We both like historical docs.
As for him watching what I watch, I learned long ago not to bother trying to get him to watch with me if he isn't interested. I can't enjoy something if I know that he is in misery. I'd much rather watch in peace.

I gotta laugh about what you said about The Bridges of Madison County!
Another show the husband and I both like is Two and a Half Men. You reminded me of something . There is an episode where Charlie comes downstairs and sees his brother, Allen watching TV. He asks what's on. Allen tells him it's a Clint Eastwood movie. The movie Allen is watching is TBoMC. Somewhere during the scene, Charlie scoffs and says, "Even Clint Eastwood knows that this isn't a Clint Eastwood movie!"

Wish I could interest him in Mad Men!


I thought i was the only guy that nearly died during Bridges...😆

Sounds like you and the Mr. Have a fine arrangement


To tell you the truth, I'm not even a fan of that movie.

The arrangement took some fine tuning, but we have worked it out beautifully.


Awful movie that Bridges thing...cant believe Clint was in it

The fine tuning seems to take our whole lives
Its kind of nice to keep working on it though...sneaky kitchen kisses, movie watching foot rubs, random moments of romance while the kids are out back...somehow we make it work:)


❤️️The funny thing is, Clint wanted to be in it. In my opinion, this isn't his first stinker.
I may be wrong, but this is just my opinion. I never understood Paint Your Wagon. Was that your idea of a Clint Eastwood movie?

"The fine tuning seems to take our whole lives
Its kind of nice to keep working on it though...sneaky kitchen kisses, movie watching foot rubs, random moments of romance while the kids are out back...somehow we make it work:)"

Sounds like you are on the right path!!!!


I like Clint with a big hog of a gun wiping out bad guys...i didnt see Paint Your Wagon but i seem to recall hearing that its a musical..?
Sounds like something i wouldnt like tbh

Thx...I took a sweet walk down that path a few hours ago😉


It's not crappy but I have sat through hundreds...nay thousands of hours of Star related movies and tv over the years. Star Trek, Star Wars, StarshipTroopers and now he's discovered a rich mine of never-ending Star Wars fan films.

So The Real Housewives of NYC isn't too much punishment is it?


Gotta be on your man's side here
I love all of that Sci-Fi nonsense lol

The Real Housewives of Anywhere is too much for any dude😱


Re:”The Reader”...The following is a copy of my review I wrote on 04/04/2017 on that other place which shall not be named:

My review of "The Reader" with Kate Winslet. I gave it one star:

"The pathos this movie attempts to convey is sorely lacking. The movie's positive spin on a former Nazi guard molesting an underage boy leaves me disgusted! And to make it worse, the character of Hannah was a Nazi harlot...she made him pay for sex by first reading to her! But, apparently to most reviewers, "boys will be boys"! Our society's mores are all too accepting of the older woman, younger boy syndrome. This is ethos at it's today's headlines. I'm sure if the movie portrayed an older man (and a former Nazi guard), molesting an underage girl, those same reviewers would review the movie with a bad taste in their mouths! The only positive from this movie was to make us aware of the lifetime damage that can be done to a young boy after such an encounter. No, boys are not just boys...they are human beings with feelings. They should be able to remember their first sexual experience with someone their own age and not from a molester!"


Very well articulated once again, kspkap.


Thanks! But, I have a feeling I’ve stepped on a few toes. 🤷‍♀️


That doesn't matter; a good review is bound to do that. There's presently a resurrected thread about blogging here. I think you would be excellent at that, had the offer ever taken hold.


I dunno...but thanks again for your confidence.😌


Solid review!
Well done k:)
I didnt feel too sorry for her either but the ending was pretty sad...i suppose she probably deserved her fate after all was said and done though


And, I ☺️ thank you my sweet Shoggie!


That was GREAT! Don't concern yourself with stepping on some toes. I know that you have been here long enough to understand that toes are nothing around here when it comes to stepping on body parts!
If you won't BLOG, how about a few words to Jim? Go back to the beginning of this thread and reply to him. I'd like it if everyone would do that. Say HI! Ask him where he has been? Thank him for the site???? Ask what he has been up to lately????
I'd like to think that Jim is out there possibly receiving our posts.


I am well aware I’ve stepped on a few toes in the past and have been raked over the coals for doing so.😒

BTW, I’m beginning to think we may have a “Remington Steele” persona in Jim.😉:-)
Psst! Is he...or isn’t he? Hmm?🤔


Oh!Oh! Hand up 🙋‍♀️! I made bread pudding with the Kentucky Bourbon sauce (used Maker’s Mark). Y’all are welcome to drop by!

Some fun info.


Maker’s Mark is an excellent bourbon.


I’m not a whiskey/bourbon drinker. The first time I made the bourbon sauce I decided (against the advice of counsel) :-), to sip a bit. The scent from the cooking sauce emboldened me to pour a shot glass. I didn’t down the shot...I just sipped it. Thank goodness I didn’t! It burned all the way, and I mean ALL the way down! I was on tippy toes trying to catch my breath! Of course everyone in the kitchen was doubled over with laughter!

I once heard even if you don’t like whiskey, you will like Pappy Van Winkle which is out of my price range.


I am well aware I've stepped on a few toes in the past and have been raked over the coals for doing so.

Better that for being honest and real as opposed to being pandering, ego-stroking, manipulative and phony.

" The wounds of a friend are faithful while the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. " (paraphrased)


In other words “Keep your friends close...and your enemies closer.”


Uhm, no.


I’m sorry, I missed something. It’s been a long day, no sleep, migraines and the bourbon sauce hasn’t helped. I will do my research as I like what you wrote.


Sorry about the migraines.Grateful I've never had to experience that although I have my own chronic afflictions to deal with. Your bourbon sauce really intrigues me. Will do my research where that is concerned. I see where you discovered the source of my quote. Well done. I also can see see your abstract mental connection. I do that often. Right now, mine is Chigurh in No Country for Old Men when he says, " Just call it. "


Are you sure you didn’t write the following using an alias? I’m going to have to rent the movie again in order to understand this villain.

Edit: Omit the third paragraph! I did a cursory read and missed this hypothesis. I should have read it more carefully before posting the link.


Proverbs 27:6

In essence each of the two quotes could be a part of the same coin. 🤔


Spanish soap operas and of course,the Bollywood ones


That sounds terrible
She must be very sweet and pretty

The things we do for love...somebody should write a song Amigo


Give me a few hours,I need something for inspiration👍


We have all the time in the world
No worries


Oh, the Humanity!!

Don't have that problem, Shogie. I'm a confirmed old bachelor, and (like Henry Higgins) likely to remain so.



MovieMan, we are now not only a member of the “Basket of Deplorables”....we are a *smelly* bunch at Walmart!


Well okay then.



Oh it aint easy Hombre!
Im a saint...😆

But i suppose from wifey's perspective, exploding cars, lazer shootouts and chainsaw massacres might get a bit tiresome every so often...
So I just shut up and watch her lady movies...hell, i get lucky after most of them if i pretend to be paying attention (i never pay attention lolololol!!!)

'Old Man' you travel the world, write entertaining stuff and are an all around bet there is a sweet lady right on your block looking for a good dude like you

Whatever you do, i know you will do it well
You are cool🍻


Thanks, Shogie. I appreciate you kind words, but I assure you I am extremely happy as a single dude. I can go anywhere and do anything I want, any time I want, and I rarely lose an argument with myself. But I do sometimes envy you married guys and your families. Family is the most important thing in the world.



The words of a real gent spoken by a real gent🍻
I dig it
Thanks man


I have gotten my wife into UK crime dramas. Finally something we can watch together.


OMGosh! I can’t get enough of them. Superior to ours. I subscribe to the Acorn channel which has excellent programming. I also watch, my husband is forced to, the Investigative Discovery (ID) channel.


We just finished Season 1 and 2 of Unforgotten (2015). Someone mentioned it on here a few weeks ago otherwise I never heard of it. A well done series.


Watched it this week, also. When I scroll through the programs I try to avoid if possible, those which list as Season 1 or Season 1 & 2. I don’t want to get involved in a series only to be left hanging. But, I’ve learned the UK programs are listed differently than US programming. The listing may state Season 1 or Season 1 & 2, but they are a mini-series. Season 1 may not have continuity to Season 2, etc. Each is wrapped up at the end.


Both seasons wrapped up quite nicely. Season 3 starts next week in the UK


The last storyline tore at the heart and at her ethics. When she determined or surmised what had occurred between the three POI, I immediately thought of “Strangers On A Train”. Robert Walker the actor has always given me the creeps!

In the end I told my husband she was going to drop the case...too many variables...unable to solve. She did just that due to the horrific circumstances they had endured. Strange how we thought what cold blooded murderers they were....then our thoughts did a complete 180!


One of my favs is set in your neck of the woods...”Murdoch Mysteries”. I’ve watched all of them.



May I suggest adding “Malice Aforethought” to your watch list? That is if you are interested in a story about a bawdy murderous doctor and his poisons. Whew! Some rather racy scenes are afoot!


You're welcome and thanks. You are a gentleman and a scholar.



That's why me and my man have separate tv's. I would never expect him to watch my shit and visa versa. The only thing we watch together is sport or comedy shows.


A sound plan Sunny Girl🌞


You betcha. Saves a lot of arguments


There are a lot of quality films mentioned in this thread, albeit divisive in terms of taste. Here's something that under no circumstances should be watched by someone who wants to be entertained: Dare to Be Wild.

I cannot recall another movie that stacked the opposition against the main character without introducing actual conflict into the story. Movies like Bridges of Madison County, The Notebook, The Reader, etc. at least contain the necessary elements of a good story, so you can at least understand why someone else might like them, even if they don't suit everyone's taste. Dare to Be Wild, by contrast, is perplexingly boring.


I had to look that one up
It sounds ridiculous and mind numbing
Im sure ill be watching it soon:/


I found myself transfixed in boredom.
