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What did you watch on this Independant/Canadian week?(07/01-07/07)

I did not watch as much as I did last week. Sorry guys, this wont happen again. (Especially that Im in vacation for 2 weeks starting tomorrow!!

The Fifth Element (1997 Netflix): Alright so, to kick things off I decided to rewatch this classic or, should I say, what I thought was a classic many years ago. I always remembered the characters (perfect Milla on whom I had a crush, Chris Tucker with his radio show and Bruce the badass lover) and a lot of the scenes were iconic (Chinese restaurant visiting Bruce’s house) but I could never remember what the story was. Well I found the problem; there is no story to remember of , just a thing about stones. It takes more than that to impress the Stonekeeper and you know it. Fun mindless movie with great atmosphere and attention to detail that might or might not be a classic, not so sure anymore. What IS sure is; Bruce Willis saved the world. 7/10

Being John Malkovich (1999 DVD): “A puppeteer discovers a portal that leads literally into the head of movie star John Malkovich.” Unique, strange, surprising, uncomfortable, funny ; here are a few words that can describe this movie about the weirdest love rectangle ever. Some parts were great, a lot were good and a few were bad. 7.5/10



-Alien (1979)
One of the best sci-fi movies. A bit slow, though, like most 70s movies.

TV Shows:

-Agatha Christie's Poirot - "The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb" and "The Underdog"

-The Flying Doctors - "Forgiveness"

-Saved By the Bell - marathon
Nostalgic cheese!

-The Love Boat - marathon
Clearly they had a different idea of sexual assault in the 70s!

-Unsolved Mysteries - marathon

-The Bold and the Beautiful - marathon of very old episodes

-Buffy The Vampire Slayer - "Faith, Hope and Trick" and "Beauty and the Beasts"

-North and South - "Episode #1.6"
The last episode! A sad ending. But I won't continue with Book II, because I never really liked it.


Alien: 7.5


both films you watched are favourites of mine. fifth element has faded a little bit for me - chris tucker's character in particular wears out his welcome quickly. it's still a fun, all over the place & imaginative film, and i love it plenty. and being john malkovich is a perfect film to me, a 5/5. probably kaufman's greatest script.

unsane (2018) 3/5 reminds me just a bit of hereditary, in that both films really intrigued me in their setup, but left me a bit deflated when i found out what was actually going on. hereditary is much, much better though, imo. honestly, if i didn't know this was soderbergh, i might have just passed it off as a slightly better than average b movie. there are a million films not unlike this streaming on tubi-tv right now. not to say that this was poor, because i thought it was just fine - it just felt a bit generic & undistinguished, particularly considering its pedigree.

first reformed (2018) 5/5 my 2nd favourite movie of the year so far. i've always been a bit on the fence on hawke , but i thought he was 100% convincing & compelling here. as many have said, there is definitely an undercurrent of taxi driver running through this, but not in an immediately obvious way. in fact, it's almost a inverse image or a bookend to taxi driver. it continuously surprised me, but in the most subtle, unpredictable ways, right up to the end. love love love.

female prisoner 701: scorpion (1972) 3.5/5 a firmly better than average women in prison film, though i did find its energy dropped a touch in the last 1/2 hour or so. cute girls, lots & lots of nudity, plenty of cheap, trashy gore effects, horrible acting & half-hearted violence, some reasonably imaginative camera angles & weird shots, and one fairly steamy lesbian sex scene all add up to a happy me.

Female Prisoner Scorpion: Jailhouse 41 (1972) 3/5 the sequel isn't quite as gleefully trashy as its predecessor, and it's sadly lacking in sex content, but it's still good fun.

taxi driver (1976) 5/5 one of my very favourite films, & it's one that seems more relevant & vital than ever. it feels so much to me like a movie that hasn't dated a second, unlike many of its peers.

sinister (2012) 3.5/5 sinister remains a pretty effectively creepy movie. it loses its atmosphere towards the end, but when it works, it really works.

the shallows (2016) 3/5 i didn't quite find this as purely enjoyable as last year's 47 meters down, but both are b-movie goodness. exciting, trim, never dawdling or plodding about, in and out in 90 minutes.


Hey bud!

Taxi Driver: I'm in the small groups of people that like it but don't think it's that great. 7/10


Lady Bird (2017) I guess I'm too far removed from the teen age angst years to understand the popularity of this movie, and obviously times have changed. Maybe I expected too much due to all the buzz it got. Saoirse Ronan and Laurie Metcalf are good, but I wouldn't classify their performances as Oscar-worthy. It felt disjointed - jumping from one short scene to another, often with no apparent reason. I got tired of watching a bratty teenage girl mouthing off to her mother and being mean to her best friend. The only part I liked was Lady Bird's efforts to attend the college she wanted rather than what her mother advised. 6/10

Band of Brothers (2001) WWII epic. Well done. 9/10

Downton Abbey (2010) Only season one, so far. Starting season two tomorrow. I'll see if it holds up... 8/10


Band of brothers: perfect 10/10
