MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > That Made My Day

That Made My Day

I was just watching a commercial where a little girl built a sand castle and the tide came it.
Everybody thought the castle would be destroyed but it survived.
The little girl smiled.

Made me think of some good things that happened when you expected something bad.
Maybe a surprise that happened to you that just made your day.

I remember once getting ready to throw out an old sport coat and when I went through
the pockets I found 30 bucks!
You'd have thought I'd won the lottery!

What are some little surprises that have made your day?


This question takes me back to my car crash a month ago. The sound of the crash was so horrid I was convinced that my car wouldn't be drive-able. It turned out that all I had was a vertical crack in my bumper. Talk about being relieved... The other guy, not as lucky, although he could still drive his car.


I remember you telling that story.
Bad you had the accident but good your car wasn't that bad.


Yeah, that was not a good time. Hoping my insurance rates don't go up since "we" had to pay 50% of his repair costs.


I've heard some bad stories about insurance companies.
I'm sure if you've been a good customer you should be fine.


I haven't had a claim since I was in high school, and back then I was probably on my parents' insurance.


I think you'll be ok.

I just remembered I once looked on our state unclaimed property site and found
I had 5 checks out there.


Really? How much $$ total? That'd make my day!


Most of them were small.
It was less than $200 total.

Still kind of cool though.


Definitely cool!


Did you back into his car or did the he drive into you? Usually if someone hits your car, your in no way responsible.

I had a Domino's driver rear end me because the idiot was lighting up a cig and not paying attention. I got my mechanic to jury rig the bumper and I ended up with a little profit.


We "met" in the middle of an intersection. The police officer who filed the report said there is no way to place blame because neither of us know who got to the intersection first.


Things like that never happen to me. It's more like, "That ruined my day!"


You have defied gravity.
Doesn't get much better than that.


Well, I guess I can die now...


So you never looked in the fridge and found one more piece of Gouda that you thought was gone?
Or found something that you've thought you've lost?


There's always someone who has eaten it.


I'm sure you've made it to the bathroom without stepping on a spider.


I'm pretty sure I ate a fly the other day.


lol. I don't even want to ask what you were doing.

You're complaining about free food?
I know from experience that doesn't sound like you.


Nothing enters my mouth without getting my permission first.


So you invited the fly in.
How did this ruin your day.

Guess my invitation got lost in the mail.


Obviously the sneaky bastard found a way to enter without my permission. Won't happen again, I can assure you that!


Wasn't sure.
I think americans must have a different definition of the word nothing.

How can you really blame him though?


Well, I hope he enjoyed the ride! He did eventually leave through the back door.


I'm sure it was the journey of a lifetime.
A bit jealous to be honest.

Could have been worse.
Imagine if you didn't lock the back door and he left through the front door.


You tell me. I don't have much of an imagination.


Unless you're a German teacher I'm not talkin.

sprechen sie deutsch?


I'm fine, thank you.


Thought so.
You can only fool me about 137 times but I eventually get it.


That seems like a fitting end to another thread derailment!


It's always a little disappointing derailing my own thread.
Good practice though.
As usual, thanks for the memories.


Hopefully it gave you some things to use for the next "Who said that?" thread.


It's already in the works.
It makes a great Christmas present!


Oh no you can't!! What will we do??


I will bequeath my basement to MovieChat!


Not good enough, lady. You have to stay here and suffer with the rest of us! 😉


It's starting to feel an awful lot like my basement!


Can I ask, why are you still up? Isn't it very late where you are? Not that I want you to go away, but...


I'm a restless night owl. I always have trouble sleeping. But especially on a hot night like tonight!


I'm a night owl, too. I'm lucky if I get to bed before 3 am!


Don't let it ruin your day, Stratego! Chin up!


Talking about chins, I was wondering the other day if I should use Glen or Ellyn as an abbreviation of your username?🤔


Doesn't matter. I'm not easily offended. GE is fine. Not sure what chins has to do with it, though. 🙂


Nothing, really. Except for that emoji that rubs his chin with his hand while thinking!


🤔 I kind of like that one.


I don't have that one on my phone or computer!


Where to you get your emojis? I get mine from but I'm not on a smart phone - just a laptop.


I'm using an old smart phone at the moment which doesn't seem to have as many emojis. My computer doesn't even show any emojis on this site! The emoji I just copy-pasted from that link is simply a big square!: 🤔.


Don't you just hate that? You'd think by now that smart phones would have caught up, even if they're old.


I hate all technological devices. We don't get along.😬


My saying is, "technology is great when it works, but when it doesn't..."

reply sucks big time. Which is pretty much every day!😠




Yesterday running errands, I ran into a woman with a dobie mix, and asked if I could meet the pup. The woman was pleased, very friendly, and we ended up chatting for a while about dogs, rescues, and so on.

The dog was an older girl, rescued when she was only 6 months, and so sweet!

All of this pretty much made my day, but the cherry on top was when I said goodbye, the pup licked my nose with the most delicate and gentle lick you can imagine. Melted my 💓

I'm sure you're shocked mine has to do with dogs or animals!


That story gave me chills.
So adorable!

Who would have thought when you left the house that something like that would happen to you.


I know. What are the chances I'd run into someone with a dog, and conversation would ensue?

But that kiss, that was memorable.


I'm sure it's a sign that something good will be happening.


I might go a-dog-hunting next week ;)

No bows or axes will be involved!


I didn't know that was possible.
Without axes? Really? Who knew!

I can feeeeeel it!


The small baby chicken I thought he wouldn't made it,but after a few hours later he's still kickin'!


It's always the small things that can make your day.


You are so missed. Seeing your old posts today was the first good surprise.

I had another great surprise the other night. I went to a new Indian restaurant and the food was amazing. I was already planning my return and messaging some friends that they had to try it, and the owner came over to see how we liked the meal. To my surprise she was the owner of my old favourite restaurant, which she had sold about 9 years ago,and the new owners wrecked it. I'd been looking for years for food as good as what I got there. Finding it again was great.


I always like to hear, "That made my day" if I do or say something nice. It makes MY day.

One time I was in the bank and chatting with the teller who was waiting on me. For some reason, she found what I said to be hilarious and she laughed.
She said, '"Thanks I needed that. It made my day."
