MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ever get phone calls from a non-existent...

Ever get phone calls from a non-existent number?

I have lately ... and it's creepy to say the least.


You obviously have a haunted phone AT...
Do Not listen to the voices


No voices yet. Only ringing. The voices will come later. "We're from a distant planet," it'll say, "and we need your help."


This is why i wear a tinfoil helmet at all times man
Oh sure, date night with the wife gets awkward and the neighbors avoid me but i wont be taken so easily
No sir, not me!


"They need my help!" I scream when people threaten me with meds. What do they know anyway? They're just average nobodies who never get phone calls from aliens far, far away. I get them, and they're jealous of this fact, motivating them to try to convince me that I'm mad. Bottom line: I'm special! You got that?! I'm special! These alien beings could have chosen anyone -- Trump, Obama, Spielberg. But, no, they chose me! After all these years I have a calling at last. I'll do whatever it takes to help the as;dthljgas-ioduggjka;gjkva;j (that's what they call themselves).


You tell your wife, when she bitches about that tinfoil hat of yours, that the fate of the universe is at stake here! She can't expect you to throw that all away just because you fall well shy of her fashion plate standards.


But i think this convo needs to be taken to PM as i suspect that many of our posters are Alien agents...

No, forget PM
The Mods are probably Aliens too...the risk is too great

Lets use our mind-melding abilities to sort this all out
The fate of the Earth is in our hands

Im going to shoprite for more foil
Meld you later man


I just communicated with you, via telepathy, an hour ago. If you didn't get the message -- and your life depends on it, so I sure as shit hope you did -- you'll have to do the following: leave the country, change your name and find a copy of as[dfkjhvaaervng[ogf's holy book because you'll need to be intimately familiar with their ways when the invasion commences.


Oh message received and read
Im in The hills of Costa Rica
Dont tell anyone;)

Yup, i read that book
It was all sorts of awesome


Do you ever Google the number? The last one I got seemed to be from Pakistan.


Mine's coming from Minnesota.


Oh my!


Maybe its Prairie Home Companion? Or someone from the Edmund Fitzgerald?


I was thinking directly from the Gerhardt Crime Syndicate now that they've taken over Missouri.

But I'm sure I'm just overthinking things.

What now?


If it's something along the lines of The Gerhardt Crime Syndicate I'm not sure how to proceed. But, I do know some people who profess a sensitivity to all things spiritual. Maybe I could get one of them to reach out to this crew member from the Edmund Fitzgerald and find out what he wants.


None of it will end well AT, I'd just get an app on your phone that doesn't let unrecognised numbers get through to you.

Saves a lot of time! (And maybe your life!)


My life! Holy shit that sounds ominous!


Get the APP!!

Only $399, direct from my website!

It's not like I'll stop calling'll stop getting calls - that's a guarantee!


You'd do that for me? I'm tearing up. What a thoughtful gesture. At least someone was raised right.


We're all friends here AT!

Have you seen these essential oils? They make everything better. EVERYTHING!


Where have you been all my life? Who knew resources like you existed! It freezes the blood to think I might have gone another day ignorant of your essential oils and Apps that at $399 bucks are virtually free!


Stick with me Angular, I'll see you right! πŸ˜€


Oh I will. A crime family and vengeful spirits from the depths of Lake Superior are nothing to take lightly.


Hmmm. Did you have a wild night with some local woman you met in a bar in Minnesota 9 months ago? She might have some news for you!


A libertine's worst nightmare.


Welcome to the Twilight Zone!


Submitted for your approval: an unassuming man who spends his days working and his nights enjoying the company of friends and devotees of modest, predictable living. Lately, though, this man's pleasant routine has been upheaved by a most unlikely source: phone calls from a non-existent number. Impossible you say? Not quite. You see this number does exist, as our common Joe will soon discover, in the misty regions of ... "The Twilight Zone."


I'd watch that!


I'll get to work. I can see it now: Peele calls me and says he'll do whatever it takes to get me to adapt my white hot property for his upcoming "TZ" reboot.


If Peele's the one calling you from Minnesota, then that's truly frightening!😨



Oh no, no, no, no. Un uh. I haven't made a creepy phone call in ages! I got help for that.


And we are all very proud of you



Oh, I know. 🐸 I have a great sense of humor. Okay, maybe it's a little twisted, but still... The thing I like most about MC is how often chat-amigos make me laugh!


Yep. I've also gotten calls from a 000000000 number.

I looked that stuff up once, and the best answer was that they are international calls, and our phone system doesn't receive or doesn't process the number that's being called from.


It's irritating because they call, I let it ring, and eventually they go to voicemail. Only when you check the voice mail its only silence ... except maybe there is something being said and I need a medium, or someone of that stripe, to decipher it.



It's a number that's no longer in service -- even though it's still making calls to people like me.


Don't spammers have the ability to spoof phone numbers?

If not, it's definitely a πŸ‘» (i.e., ghost with a black eye).



This is called "call spoofing". The caller has a (illegal) program that allows the caller to make up a phone number and spoof the caller ID into displaying this number instead of the real number. Often they will select a non existent number. Some have been known to select he number they are calling so it looks like you have received a call from yourself.
The worst case is when they use a random number of an innocent individual who has nothing to do with the call but they will be blamed/accused of making "spam" calls.
In EVERY case these calls are a scam, just as most unsolicited calls are these days.
It does little good to block the number. They will just use a different one when they call again.


I've never heard of that. Thanks.

So what's their end game? What can they get out of someone like me?


What they want is INFORMATION. "Phishing"
Also they use this to run scam "businesses", Charities or whatever.
In ANY case, the BEST response is to not answer. If you should accidentally answer, they already have one key piece of info. A working number that someone answers.
NEVER give out ANY information, even if the person knows your name. Names/numbers are easy to come by.
consider the fact that ANY info you give out will be stored and referenced later on and compiled with other info they are seeking. Eventually they may have enough for identity theft or possible access to financial accounts

Scammers rarely leave messages. If a person you dont know DOES leave a callback number, consider the following: IF the number is NOT a toll free number, you can block YOUR number by using *67 BEFORE dialing the number. You may also make the cal from a phone other than your own, such as a work phone, or pay phone if there is such a thing anymore. DONT USE A FRIENDS PHONE unless you wish to unfriend the person.
IF the callback number is a toll free number, YOU CAN NOT BLOCK ANY NUMBER you call from including "restricted" numbers or numbers blocked with *67.

A good practice is too Google ANY phone number that you receive from an "unknown" entity. There are lists of numbers used by scammers and others contribute numbers and information about these callers, to the lists. If YOU have numbers or info, you can share it. There are common themes to these calls.

I dont answer ANY calls from ANYONE who is not on my caller list or a number I dont recognize or EXPECT a call from.
The hope is that if I never answer, my number will be deleted from the callers list, in favor of numbers that are answered by someone.

Hope this info helps you and others!


I get calls on my cellphone that are allegedly from my area code. I guess the scammers think I'll answer because it's a "local" call. If you're not in my contacts, I won't answer no matter what. I have it set so that contacts ring a certain way, and if it's not that ring, forget it. I've given my number to very few people - just family and close friends.


This is EXACTLY what I do!
You may also consider the info I gave above, to Google numbers you dont know. There are lists for numbers being used by scammers and you may find some of the numbers on these lists.
I commonly get calls from (myareacode) 392-**** < I dont get stars, I get random numbers that are different each time. RARELY do these numbers appear on any "lists".

Also consider that people dial wrong numbers. HOWEVER, in the case above, it is nearly impossible that ALL the wrong numbers would come from 392 exchange.
I think that the caller uses a random "spoof" of 392 numbers.
Some of these numbers belong to people who have innocently had their number hijacked by the "spoofer".
Its very sad.


"Some have been known to select he number they are calling so it looks like you have received a call from yourself."


I wonder what Einstein spammer thought that one up! "Hey look, a call from ME! I'd better answer."


IF they think somebody will answer, they have achieved their first step.


I get a lot of calls from Romania and Holland for some reason.


🀣 You're the one who rocked those boats. What do you expect??


You told me that was Wayne Gretsky's number!


I lied but you gave my number to croft.


Well, I thought it was Gretsky's number! Croft wanted some hockey lessons.


Nothing worse than when 'A Stranger Calls', especially when the dialed number is your own. How does that happen?
