MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What are some movies you consider “Perfe...

What are some movies you consider “Perfect Movies” and what does that mean to you?

To me, a perfect movie isn’t necessarily my favorite movie, but rather a movie that perfectly accomplishes its goals. A movie where I can’t think of a way to genuinely improve it(beyond tiny nitpicks).

This came about yesterday when I said Incredibles 2 was a great movie, but the Incredibles was perfect. It got me wondering if that was really true, and I honestly couldn’t think anything I’d change about it (beyond adding the pizza planet truck in the background).

What do you guys think? Can you think of any perfect movies? And do you have a different definition of what that means?


Not necessarily my favourite but Black Swan by Aronofsky was perfectly executed from start to finish.


please tell me what was going on.


My opinion is she was having a complete mental breakdown and a lot of it was in her head. The ending's a bit ambiguous. Did she really die? Who knows?


Dr Strangelove - Sellers was brilliant and the movie was a great parody of the Cold War.


For me it has to be in different categories. Drama, comedy etc...
I also thing the perfect movie doesn't exist. We can all find something wrong with something.
I would say a perfect movie is one we could watch an endless amount of time
and never tire of it.
Or better yet appreciate it more each time we watch it for what it is.

It Happened One Night
Cinema Paradiso
A Shot in the Dark
Life of Brian
The Searchers
The Earrings of Mademe De
Fanny and Alexander
The Ascent


Batman & Robin. Flawless from start to finish.


Ahhhh, yes! For me, West Side Story, hands down. It's a movie that's got everything, if one gets the drift.


Hello meet2jenny,
of course there are many more than just two - but for the moment, I'd like to mention these:
As to comedies, I think The Party is a gem... Correct me if I'm wrong but I think there aren't so many comedies where you won't find at least ONE joke which is not so good (outdated, vulgar, etc.) - but here it's different; no pointless and lame bla-bla, instead we get a "firework" of fun from the start all through the last minutes. Hilarious, I would recommend this one to watch for people who tend to have depressive moods sometimes. This will help for quite a while, definitely :-)
The other one is no comedy at all, but instead showing us a tragic and dark storyline - When Andrew Came Home (aka Taming Andrew). Touches me almost to tears when I watch it. All the more so as it is based on true events... All actors fill their roles excellently but I think Seth Adkins came as near to perfection as could be. Impressed me so much - at first he was traumatized to the point he even wouldn't speak, and then things got slowly better. But how hard a struggle that was, for all three of them, his mother, his stepfather and himself!
Kind regards
Andreas (123all4me)


Some Like it Hot has always been my favorite movie of all time. It cheers me up if I'm feeling blue, it makes me laugh regardless, plus the plot is hilarious, and the acting is great.


Only one: 2001: A Space Odyssey, the only film I rate as a 10, ie perfect. To me it means that it's the best film ever made.

