MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What doesn't kill you make you stronger?

What doesn't kill you make you stronger?

Yep? Yep! :) :) :)


In a nutshell, TheMan18. Adversity can be a most excellent teacher.


Yes. There are a lot of challenges in life, but it we meet the challenge and move on we become stronger I would say. I've had some challenges, and I hope they made me stronger.


That's a more positive mindset!


Personally, I don't believe 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'.

I've been through some things that I never want to experience again and I'm pretty much the same person I've always been.

I'm not weaker or stronger in any real sense. They're just things that happened and now they're over.

That expression sounds more like, "Bad experiences you can live through, can make you jaded, cynical and indifferent."

Besides, other people make bad things happen to others, if they didn't do these things, we wouldn't 'have' to be 'stronger'.

We could just live our lives.


Well, it's certainly more positive than his previous thread: "Life is unbearable". He's even smiling!


If you get MS you are not stronger.


Except if it makes you comatose...


Not always. Getting shot may not kill you, but it can do some serious nerve/brain/other damage. Sometimes what doesn't kill you severely wounds you, both physically and mentally.
