



It is fun Pete, only if you are straight I suppose.

Are you saying that normative sexual acts are an aberration or something like that?

That'd be flaunting in my book, nothing to be proud about.


*Exaggerated sigh*


Be a drama queen all you want.

You chose to celebrate your sexuality I think it only fair that I get to celebrate mine.

For the record, I've checked in with homosexuality on more than a few occasions and it isn't for me. Too catty for my liking.


be careful Juror 8 before you get reported (like me) from some idiot that doesn't like what you say, and then get a letter from the head master,



Getting mud on your turtle ain't jake, Peter.


Jake should be capitalised Culburn.

Get it together man!


You keep coming up with some of the most colorful and amusing expressions. Is that a real colloquialism ? If not, it should be.


I still got it!!!


don't worry Culburn, my sister would always correct my spelling, she was annoying too.




My only problem with being straight is sticking to one partner - I understand completely why I should as trust is immeasurable and priceless, still a bit of a cork in the bottle when it is all said and done.

When it is all weighed and priced though, I still still think I've got the best deal going db20.


Do you really find this necessary? Somehow, I thought that you are a bit more mature. You did come off that way a few days ago.
Suddenly you are stirring things up. Why? Are things too peaceful around here?
Do you honestly hate Pete this much?
Somehow I thought you were better than this.


I don't hate Pete whatsoever Margo.

I'm insulted that you would even suggest so.

Pete's a top bloke and, as far as i know, you are a champion lass.

I just thought I countermeasure to Pete's "Are you gay?" Thread was required for the sake of equality.

I've done a previous thread on something or other with exactly the same vibe, I think it was something to do with boys and girls or how they each might see things. A counter thread though - for levity in MC's historic journals.

If you hate straight people I would rather you were outright with it and not hide behind a system of subversion. Your parental issues are your own. Most people get by with theirs.

If this is just a misunderstanding I would recommend caution prior to allusion in the future Margo. It is most unbecoming.


I understand that you think this thread was created for the sake of equality, but I'm getting a very vindictive vibe here...


I believe there is a river you can cry into which will make it all better Padeen.

Ask Pete, the OP, where it is as he's sent me a message saying he has ignored me (The tiny kitten that he is).


No crying here, just a lot of head shaking.


Goes with the name I suppose.


I try to like and get along with most people if they try to get along with me.. I also like it when people show a certain amount of respect.
I really don't care if a person is gay, bi, or straight. I prefer straight because I love my husband and everything we have shared together.
I do have parental issues. I am always concerned about those people out there who have hate in their hearts. This business on these boards seem to feed the fire. I have read some of the nasty comments from others. The snide remarks. It troubles me that you seem to want to stir things up all over again .
"If this is just a misunderstanding I would recommend caution prior to allusion in the future Margo. It is most unbecoming."
Did I say something to warrant some kind of a threat?
I asked WHY? Now that you feel the need to threaten me in some way, I'll back off. There has been far too much dissension here. We don't need any more of that. I'm done.


If you feel threatened Margo I' seriously recommend seeing a professional in the field.

For a thread which has existed for four days asking if anyone is gay and then a counter thread which asks if anyone is straight somehow threatens you I'd suggest that your problems are more than skin deep.




You are just looking silly now Margo.

Unless this is you being humorous, in which case well done.


she thinks she's the MC police


There's no reasoning with madness Yawkee, it's a stupid game to even take part in.


I may look silly, I may be ignorant, but I'm not stupid.
I have no idea of what left field this came from. This sounds like pure hatred and I can't understand why you would get down so low.
I'm not laughing, so this can't be humor.
I'm just shocked and sad that this is going on when all of this could have been over and done.


So you hate straight folk is all I'm guessing from this.

Which train should we get on?


I'm confused by that. Why would I hate myself?
Are you drunk or something? What is going on with you?


You seem to think I'm spouting hate Margo.

That is what is wrong with me.

I am merely asking who enjoys being straight.

Just like Pete asked who enjoys being gay?

I don't get your attitude. It seems very abrasive (To me at least).


Drunk? I was thinking the same thing. Either he's had too many Natty Ice's or he's overdosed on Fox News. Sure seems like he has an axe to grind.


Lovely assumptions there Padeen.

Care to extole any more prejudices to the wider community?


Ignorant = uneducated, unknowledgeable, untaught, unschooled, untutored, untrained, illiterate, unlettered, unlearned, unread, uninformed, unenlightened, benighted; inexperienced, unworldly, unsophisticated.
but not stupid, lol

even Einstein is laughing


What's the fun in this?


None that I can see. All this causes is bad feelings.


My feelings are hurt. I thought I liked J8. At least I know who to add to the list.


Don't put this on your heart,Pete


Pete can put on his heart on whatever he wants.

He obviously hates his mother and father and conceptualises this into hating hetrosexuality as shown by his "Are you gay?" thread while attacking this one.

Poor show Pete, I've seen better in a looser wrapped bundle of kindling.


Welcome to " the list " J8, although I've never posted anything to justify that & he falsely accused me, claiming to have given me a second chance. It was actually the other way around & I've got a PM history to prove it.


Fair play db20.

Reality still exists whether you choose to ignore it or not.

Thanks for Trump.

9/11 was an inside job and (_)_):::::::::::::::D~ POST!


Yes, that is fair play and also reality, which we all choose to ignore occasionally; which is why we have movies and are here.


I thought I was ignored db?

All talk and no erection makes Jack a dull boi?


I'm stronger than anybody could ever know. Don't worry about it croft.


I thought this nonsense was over. Juror was one of the last people I thought would try to stir the pot. I guess you never know.....
As I said, things must be too peaceful around here.


Stir the pot Margo?

Asking if people enjoyed hetrosexual activity? Not even procreation or monkeying around but actually having a sexuality?

Sure, by itself it sounds absurd. But when there's a "Are you Gay? thread I think it is as equally important to ask.

If you don't then fine. Say hi to your mom and dad from me.


My parents are dead. I see the point of this thread. You are a few days late.


I like to let things stew Margo.

If 4 days isn't enough for a pot to go sour then I'm not sure how long is.

I didn't bump any threads here, Pete did.


Juror 8, I have come to the conclusion that miss Margo is nothing but a trouble maker with very little to do but monitor everyone. I think she should just mind her own bee's wax




I used to be. Then I caught tranny fever. What I actually am is a totally soulless psychopath who tires easily of everything, waiting for WWIII. Thanks, porn.


Have your tried Pin-Up Girls?

It worked for the men of WWII.


Depends on my mood.


That's the way it should be Spanners (To my mind at least).

Well done my man!


Like a bubble level.


Yes, but I haven't "done it" yet.

All the ladies give me funny looks or run away when I ask.


At least they are ladies Jacob, anything short of would be worrying.
