MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If sex didn't exist?

If sex didn't exist?

Besides the obvious question about whether or not as a process WE would exist, would we either have troubles (or in some cases) wonders) without it, and would we then also have an issue in our humanity that is sensitive on MANY levels (not just with regards to s*xual a*us* or h*r*s*m*nt and whatnot, whether women or men) and not JUST in terms of how, oh in some cases it can give diseases or unwanted pregnancies and whatnot?

And would we have controversies surrounding the issue?

What then, even in lesser, but still serious cases, be seen as an equivalent of trouble relating to making "sexual remarks" about someone, and would be people be offended even IF, say, even if its a little rare, the person doing it did not MEAN offense or to have power over someone?

And would we still have LAWS AND MORALS on the issue? Or shaming and hysteria from IGNORANT that in REALITY seem to be FAR more common towards sexual than the non-sexual issues at hand? And in (not that I AM discriminating in any intended way) man and woman related world - it being women that are mostly vulnerable to the injustices surrounding these issues?


I think it's far more fundemental than that... Without sex, what purpose would there be for us to even interact and communicate with one another?

Music, art, poetry, drama, etc.. would largely cease to have value, as we would only interact with one another out of utility of production, for basic needs of survival... as most of our higher level needs relate to family and such forms of interconnectedness...

We would be like a higher form of bacteria... less social than ants, as even they produce sexually...

This is why the new puritanicalism feels so alient to us... Especially as science advances rapidly with IVF and cloning to rob sexuality of it's reproductive utility...

Enjoy sex and socialising while you can... We may not have it next century 😂


I think in the end I will force myself to logically conclude that at the time being, my Russian cousin just wasn't totally interested or in the mood to talk in details and professionally about the sexual aspects of what I was asking him, and that in the end he DID understand and that deep down inside, he does indeed know it all, but just wasn't really in the mood to mention that all to me and yes...

People DO differ on how they communicate, so its not TOO big a surprise that the conversation was different to how it was conducted on anonymous forums online, no matter our nationalities.

And him mentioning "mothers who abuse their children" may well just have been a reference to something that he was dealing with at work, even if indeed it had nothing to do with what I was talking about, and on second side of things, no, he didn't mean to appear, be or sound "mysoginistic" in any way EITHER.


If sex didn't exist, we wouldn't exist. Simple as that.
