MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Your favorite suspense set piece?

Your favorite suspense set piece?

Despite having watched it multiple times, and well aware each and every time that Bond isn't going to die, the laser scene in "Goldfinger" never fails to send me right to the edge of my seat; its a four-minute masterpiece (the writing, directing, acting, editing, scoring -- all of it untouchable) and perhaps the pinnacle of Bond, and movies of this ilk.



This was some brilliant stuff!
I really loved this scene


Agreed. Great movie and scene.


The whole bus ride in Speed.
Casey's chase scene in Scream.
Gale's chase scene in Scream 2.
Helen's chase scene in I Know What You Did Last Summer.


Many such moments in "Dressed To Kill." She doesn't see Caine in the stairwell as she waits on the elevator. Christ-a-mighty that is heart stopping there.

Then the dream sequence at the end when at first the shoes she sees are filled, then they're empty and her throat is cut.


Good one and not surprising since De Palma emulated Hitchcock.

Speaking of which, the climactic scene in Rear Window where Jimmy Stewart's character becomes increasingly aware he's all alone, desperate, with the killer gradually approaching his apartment.


When Chigurh finds Moss' room at the hotel. Moss barely gets away. That loud-ass shot from the window as Moss thinks he's in the clear, that really rattles the nerves after this gem of a suspense scene.


There is a scene in Hitchcock's 'Frenzy' where the horrible murderer is stuck in the bsck of a produce truck with the remains of his latest victim and some very damning evidence...i was floored by how suspenseful this scene was

On the one hand he was a violent psycho killer but on the other hand i was on the edge of my seat hoping he would escape his situation

Hitchcock really was the master at this sort of scene...suspense that was so good you wind up rooting for the badguy!


So many,,

The scene where the psycho is stalking the family at the farmhouse in the French horror film High Tension. It goes on forever with some horrible sadistic kills along the way
