MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How Was Everyone’s St. Paddy’s Day Dinne...

How Was Everyone’s St. Paddy’s Day Dinner?

I began cooking my corned beef in the slow cooker this morning then started packing for my drive to Florida. Worked all day! Later I added carrots, red potatoes and cabbage. I have a 10 qt. cooker so everything fit. The meal was delish! Wish you all could have joined us! Happy Belated St. Patrick’s Day! ☘️🍀🍻🍻


Sounds delicious! Happy St. Patty’s Day to you as well.


And a belated Happy St. Paddy's Day to you, Jack!

Meanwhile, on another topic, I would love to read your response to my latest post "An Interesting Comparison." Thanks.



Sounds lovely!
Well done🍻

I ordered Chinese...

My wonderous wife decided to replace the old kitchen faucet with a fancy pants new one...somehow i was drafted into this hellish affair
Several hours later, literally bleeding, the job was finished and so was i
Gosh, i love my wife😖😭😫
No cooking went on...this sink killed me

30 year old plumbing fixtures can go straight to firey hell!

The eggrolls were delish


Glad you're still with us. I thought you were going to say you got soaked by the fancy pants new faucet. 🚿💧💧💧


I wish that was the extent of todays beating

The under sink cabinet is really tiny and im sort of biggish...that was quite a way to start a project!
Like yoga class for sinners in Hades man!!

The brass fittings were corroded and Arnie Scwarzzahecker with a wrench couldnt get them Dremel jumped off the planet as i was trying to cut them off
So i drag my bloody knuckles to Home Depot to buy a new Dremel and some Wd 40...60 bucks and im getting a bit peeved at the state of my situation
Also, my knuckles wont stop bleeding

I finally got the taps switched out...looks real nice
But it was like the siege of Stalingrad for a while there!

Have i mentioned that i just love the heck out of my wife and her nifty ideas?

Erin Go Bragh
Im getting wasted🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍀


I need to swap out the one in my bathroom and I'm dreading it. I don't know how old it is, but the house is over 90 years old.

By the way, did your Dremel jump off the planet by itself or did it have help?? 😖


Oh jeez best wishes on that faucet...they really fight back!

The Dremel was over 10 years old, i had it going full tilt and could smell its little motor burning out but i kept pushing it
It died from my stupidity

Not proud of my language and kicking the garage door but i was furious at that point lol😎

Big dummy right here!


Okay, so it died. I thought maybe you threw it out the window and killed it. I wouldn't blame you if you had, and I'm certainly willing to overlook the meltdown you had.


Oh no i love my tools and i wouldnt chuck them

I just use them all real hard and constantly break them
My Chainsaw is another one that needs replacing...ive destroyed the poor thing and now i know i need a much bigger one (lol)


My heart feels for you! I was the plumber in my previous home. I did everything but set a toilet. Ex-son-in-law got talked into that job. There’s a special place in heaven for plumbers! I don’t know how you managed to “unfreeze” 30 yr old plumbing connections. The aggravating factor to start with is maneuvering around that piece of wood in the center of the opening to the area under sink. This new home doesn’t have it. Why do most sink cabinets have the thing? Is it load bearing?

Good, good eggrolls!


Oh that EVIL chunk of wood!!
I said so many things during the whole affair that i actually told my wife to send the kids upstairs...i might have invented some new profanity during this traincrash of a job...
Im not proud
But it got done and im getting drunk


I hear ya, Bro. That's why I call the Plumber for crap like. That, and I'm a klutz! Glad you're okay. Take a rest on Sunday.



On another topic, I would love to see your response to my post "An Interesting Comparison". Thanks.



Reminds me of my husband and me. I always have these brilliant ideas.... he is the one who makes my dreams come true! Thank GOD he is a maintenance man! I swear that he can fix anything and everything! He just installed a fancy faucet in our kitchen a few months ago! LOL!
He fixed my porch glider today too. It no longer leans a certain way.... Never mind. Too long of a story. Let's just say that Miss Margo is happy. When Miss Margo is happy, Mr. Margo is no longer feeling pain.


Well said


Just sat on my lazy ass all day doing nothing. Had fries for dinner. I hope everyone had a Happy St. Patrick's Day!


You were the smart one! But, then aren’t you always, Sweet Ruby Red 💋?


Sat on my ass watching a good movie and then on the front porch at sundown, drinking beer and basking in the tranquility of the neighborhood; ironically, no wind for the middle of March, not even a breeze.


I was outside quite a bit today, mostly chopping ice off the sidewalk leading to the garage. Although it was warm and sunny, the sun isn't high enough in the sky to hit that part. It's been a treacherous path the past week or so. Too much snow left to melt. But it was warm enough - mid 40s - that I opened a couple of windows to let in some fresh air - aahhh. 🌞


That wonderful, welcome transitional time of year.


Hallelujah!! 🥂🎈👏😄🎵👍

There's a 💡 at the end of winter's tunnel.


You smart also, Obi Wan!


That's where my mind's eye is often opened, on that porch at sunset with a beer in my hand. 😉


I did that too. Blessed Spring is slowly approaching! I love my front porch. I SOOOOOO look forward to May and the smell of the Lilacs and the lovely nights sitting out on that porch.


Sounds like Nirvana to me. And a belated Happy St Paddy's Day to you, you sweet thang!



I guess you could say mine was cottage cheese with the Pomeranian next door. 🐶

Happy St Paddy's Day everyone! 🍀🍀🍀


Would you care to elaborate?


Since you next-door neighbors went up north for the day. They wanted to see the St Paddy's parade in the small town near where their cabin is. They didn't want to take their dog along this time, so they asked if I would let her out a couple of times.

At about 5 pm she gets a treat of some cottage cheese. You'd think that dog could read the clock because she sure knows when it's treat time. She will not leave you alone until she gets it. But afterwards, if one of them comes in a little later, she puts on an act as though they have forgotten. I left them a note telling them not to believe her no matter what she says - she's HAD her treat already. 😉

So yeah, I was sort of having cottage cheese with the dog.


I'm speechless.



Cute! You are a very nice neighbor. I was just curious whether you were having a dinner of cottage cheese with the little dickens...they rule the roost!


They are very nice neighbors, too. I'm so very lucky to have them. It's like having a sister and brother living next door. I'm thankful every day that five years ago, when I sold my family's home, I landed here.

Little Tikki definitely rules the roost. She's so cute and so little - it's fun walking her because nobody walks by with out stopping to meet her. 😊


I had Italian for dinner....

But, for lunch my brother and I stopped for a corned beef sandwich (yes, at an Italian deli...)


Funny!:-) Like ordering prime rib in a seafood restaurant!


I love Italian and Deli, but I prefer Pastrami and Swiss on Rye, potato salad on the side. Mmmmmm.



It was excellent! I consumed a yummy three piece combo (mild) at Popeyes. Dang their chicken is good!

PS And a belated Happy St. Paddy's Day to you and all!



Beautiful day today.
I smoked a rack of ribs and grilled some potatoes in between building shelves in my basement.

Happy St. Patty’s Day!


And a belated Happy St. Paddy's Day to you too!

On another topic, I would love to see your response to my latest post "An Interesting Comparison" before the mods take it down like they did with a different post of mine on a similar topic. Thanks.



Pub, colcannon and ham, rugby wins and singing - as St. Paddy's go it was as expected!



I wonder why everyone celebrates St.Patrick's day but St.David's day was on March 1st and St.George's Day on the 23rd April will pass by unnoticed,as no doubt will St.Andrews on the 30th November.



I've been to a few St. Andrews events but they tend to be black tie, kilted and with a formality and exclusivity which isn't appealing to most. Burns' nights are more popular but still very limited to some Scottish communities.

I don't know why saints George and David don't get anything noticeable. Both the Welsh and English are just as much fun as anyone else and can party like the best of anyone.

My best guess is that it is as close to Spring as any day that is celebrated by those on the Britannic isles.

That and Irish music being a popular music which is easily accessible.

All guesswork at my end though Dazed, I've no idea why it is a popular day.


I think it's just an excuse to get shitfaced😵
I don't partake of the day myself since I'm not Irish although I'm probably geographically closer than anyone here.I could be there in 40 minutes!


C'mon Dazed.

Accept that you're actually on Craggy Isle and that your name is Mrs. Doyle.

Go on.

Go on.

Go on.


It's actually more similar than you can possibly imagine! Without the rampant Catholicism.

Having said that...
Will you have a sandwich Father?

Ah go on now

Go on

Go on

Go on,go on,go on.GO ON!!!

P.S are you channeling He_can't?



He_Can't channels me Dazed.

And he knows it!





I really miss IMDb sometimes.



It'll pick up around here soon enough, let's see how this Summer takes Dazed.


*whispers* We need more folk who know what a Pot Noodle is,who Ken Dodd is(RIP Ken Dodd's dad's dog)what Viz is,who the REAL Cracker is,who panhandle is,what Gregg's is,a Bap,a butty,proper builders tea,Doctor Who,Doctor Finlay,Inverdarroch,how funny a Brummy accent is,Vic and Bob...


I also miss IMDB. I know one on your list...Doctor Who.



That is perhaps the saddest thing I've ever read,please accept my deepest condolences.If you add in a cardboard box house,4 hungry children,a dead end job in a factory or a fake dead SO you get a card and a bouquet.
The consolation here is that he's not actually from Romania,he's a lot closer to being an American cos that's where The Land of Make Believe is.


You are the master (mistress? who the hell knows?)of great zingers! I envisioned the invisible miniature record player between your thumb & forefinger while you are responding with “My heart cries for you.”


Bless your pea-pickin heart! I would bet there’s a wee bit of green in ya! My mom was *pure* Polish and she celebrated St. Patrick’s Day. I assume because she was a Catholic. Growing up I always had a beautiful shamrock ☘️ to wear with my green attire. Never, ever wear orange she cautioned! As for my heritage, I’m Dutch, Irish, English and Polish. Just an old cur!


My name is Gaelic,but I'm a proud national of an independent place and to celebrate somewhere else's would be like committing adultery to me.😜


I don’t think we’re celebrating Ireland (would love to visit), but then how does one separate St. Patrick from Ireland? Maybe he means more to Catholics. As for me it was receiving a nice shamrock ☘️ and a good meal. Which btw, I made a plate dinner to eat in the Holiday Inn. Stupid micro cremated my corned beef while barely warming the veggies! I’m attempting to eat while I write. Sure has left a stink for housekeeping tomorrow! I think I’m going to dump it and eat cookies & milk!

Some interest info:

“Should Christians celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? If you do, you might want to consider wearing orange. Orange? Here’s why. After 1798 the color of green was closely associated with Roman Catholicism and orange with Protestantism—after William of Orange, the Protestant king. The holiday is certainly not to be used as means for excessive partying and celebration. But wearing orange and trying to tell people who St. Patrick really was might be a good way to celebrate.“

“Green is the traditional color for St. Patrick's Day, and it is a traditional Irish Catholic Holiday. Ireland is known as the 'emerald isle'--green is it's color. If you wear any other color on this day, you risk getting 'pinched' for not wearing green. However, the orange significance goes back to the 1600's, where Irish Protestants (non-Catholics) would wear orange in protest/defiance of the Catholic holiday, and it became a very strong religious/political statement.”

I now recall my mom telling me about a kid she went to school with getting the hell beat out of him for wearing orange. I assumed it was during her high school years. She was born in 1934-1938?




Whoever wrote that is full of beans! BTW, s/he couldn’t even spell insult correctly. I would never mean it as an insult. To me it’s an endearing phrase! But, it can be used as an insult. It depends on the context of where it’s used. To you it was good will. Good Grief! These people want to make me scream!


Yo, if you're Dutch you NEED to wear orange. It's our national colour!


So THIS is why I like orange so much. 😉
I have Dutch in my background. Also Swedish, French and English.


Okay, so remember, on April 27th you need to dress completely in orange. You also have to drink "oranjebitter" and eat orange "tompoucen"!


Naturally, I had to look up tompoucen. It should have orange topping on King's Day, right? How do you eat yours?

And what's in your favorite oranjebitter cocktail? 🍸


Remove the top part and put the bottom half on top of it. No forks! That's the only correct way to eat it!

I drink oranjebitter straight from the bottle. You could try to add some presecco to it.🍾


I may have to give this a try. Thanks.


See my reply to Dazed. I learned something today from all you great MC pals!


Wonderful! Sounds like fun and something I would enjoy! 😊☘️☘️🍻🍻 I’ve never tasted colcannon, but it has to be good with the ingredients being cabbage and mashed potatoes. I am going to attempt making some.


It's delicious and easy kspkap!

I think it would go well with your stew too 😊


Will do!
